How To Build Your Own AI With ChatGPT API

ChatGPT is amazing in what it can do, but what if you could leverage that power for your own sites. Well with the ChatGPT API you can do exactly that. In this video I show you just how easy it is to implement AI chat features in your very own application.

📚 Materials/References:

GitHub Code:
OpenAi Website:
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⏱️ Timestamps:

00:00 – Introduction
00:35 – API Sign Up
01:44 – Project Setup
03:25 – Implementing ChatGPT
06:50 – Adding User Input


  1. data: {

    error: {

    message: 'You exceeded your current quota, please check your plan and billing details.',

    type: 'insufficient_quota',

    param: null,

    code: null

    it showing me this error even i did not use api once and i did not ger any free trial amount that you showing you get

  2. I love your channel Kyle. I also want to be honest with this one, this video felt lacking. I would love to see a video showcasing the API being implemented for some kind of basic real-world use case. An example of how to use the Embeddings API and feed training data in to tailor the bot to the specific use case would be fantastic.

  3. Video after video on YouTube shows how to code with react. How to write a node js app. I haven't found one video that shows by how to deploy a /client /server application. Client : Npm start Server: nodemon index.js But how do you deploy them and have them run? Please help!

  4. this is good and interesting but beta character ai > ChatGPT, since to my understanding, Chatgpt is just a vanillia AI with no identity, while beta character ai, can feel like your talking to anyone from historical figures to animated characters to fursonas, etc, but it has this irritating filter its devs put in place, so for me, I'd want to learn how to make my own version of that

  5. One question, in a recent Microsoft 365 demo they showed that in PowerPoint you can ask in a chat to review a word file and create a presentation for it with animation. I get the chat feature you just demonstrated, but how do you tell it to scan your DB, files and images on the server and perform an action on the website, like Microsoft is doing with MS Office, or Google is doing with their Workspace or khan Academy with their website? Because that's a game changer. Have you seen those videos that just came out a day ago?

  6. Very important question that I was waiting for the whole video: How can I train my own chatbot on my own data, so that the chatbot will answer with knowledge of a lot of context? And how much data can I put in this message array? Because with ChatGPT-3, if you give it even a small amount of information, it may not remember what we started with and give inaccurate responses.

  7. Gee… just what I want to do… feed the freakin monster that is trying to take over the entire opportunity space… and also end up being used by the moronic donut-munchers to anticipate our actions. …and used by microsoft to get them government contracts so they can survive past the windows and subscription business model. But really it is just a semi-clever bot that is good at making conversation with people who do not know how to fool it into revealing itsself as a bot. I worked in AI (among other things) for over 40 years; I know a bad thing when I see it.

  8. Thanks for this simple guide on how to access the chatgpt api. You can ignore other commenters complaining. It's a good video and the title is fine.

  9. Is there any legit sites / programmer that takes a certain task for $? Mainly just cleaning up / checking if there's a keylog or if the bot/software is pavcked with a reverse tcp proxy. Or if there's none is there anyone here that knows how to check?

  10. The main thing that resonates with me about ChatGPT is its conversational abilities. It can convey information in a conversational way. Other than that, it doesn』t seem like much more than a search engine with conversational abilities. And what value is there in just giving users the ability to search from a search engine? We』ve had that ability for about 30 years now.

  11. The world is moving so fast, it's disappointing.
    I guess this is why we ought to focus on Jesus. The world has always been disappointing.

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