NEW ChatGPT Plus: Honest Review & Speed Test (is it worth it?)

Looking for an honest review of the New ChatGPT Plus? Look no further! In this video, I will be putting the latest version of ChatGPT to the test with a series of speed tests and comparisons to the previous version. We’ll explore the new features and improvements that ChatGPT Plus brings to the table, as well as its potential drawbacks. Is the upgrade worth it for you? Tune in to find out!

0:00 – NEW ChatGPT Plus
0:21 – Pricing
1:10 – Dashboard Comparisons
2:13 – Speed Tests
3:46 – Should You Buy ChatGPT Plus?

#Chatgpt #openai

  1. Is there still a word limit on ChatGPT plus. I get the following error when I enter to many words:
    "The message you submitted was too long, please reload the conversation and submit something shorter."

  2. They could just add a price tag like 5,6,7$ and have a massive amount of users, with 20$ i might use it for few months per year only

  3. is the PLUS vesion will stop in response when giving a very long code? because in free version it will always stopped even the code not complete yet, then when i prompt it to continue, then it will respond differently and not correspond with the previous code

  4. In coding you can just modify the letter writing speed,that would also give you the illusion of you get somewhat speed boost.Yes in that case the complition is faster,but is it worth it?Yes they can kinda force or push people to buy "plus" with showing downtime to users and it would be a business plan.

  5. 3:37 Thank you for the comparison.
    As you can see, the things written are different. It would have been nice to have you copy and paste the paragraphs into a word counter online and note that in the video.

  6. Thanks friend.
    I think I'll love to stay for now with the first.
    Please I love to be guided on how to set up social media and YouTube blogs for Affiliate marketing.

  7. The quality of responses from Turbo Plus is terrible.

    The Default Plus is much-much better in terms of quality and dare I saw warmth. 😂

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