ChatGPT Beginner To Pro in 10 Minutes

AI and ChatGPT have taken the internet by storm. Everyone is talking about all the different use cases but nobody is truly explaining how to leverage these new technologies best. In this video, I』ll explain how to use AI softwares & ChatGPT like a pro; unlocking ChatGPT』s true potential!


Important Links
Open AI Discord:

Don』t use that desktop version mentioned at the beginning! Doesn』t work anymore

ChatGPT Prompt List:


  1. Thanks Alot this video was what i was looking for. Something that explains how you can master it before telling you all the cool tricks you can pull off

  2. "Don』t use that desktop version mentioned at the beginning! Doesn』t work anymore" is there any recomendation to a desktop version that does work? great video. I think it is time for me to start learning about this stuff.

  3. 3:30 – Great video. Uh-oh, typo. I'm not picking fault for the sake of it, so be cool. I'm an avid crossword puzzle solver so I immediately notice spelling errors without trying. Regarding where you mention 'using Google is a skill', the word 'keyword' is spelt incorrectly. I just thought you'd appreciate knowing about that.

  4. I』m living in Finland. We are small country with ~5million habitants. About 700k people live in our capital Helsinki. Windows, Google nor any Android phones cannot understand or pronounce our language. Actually only iOS is only mobile operating system that DOES support our difficult but rare language. Consider we DEVELOPED modern smartphone concept when Nokia was biggest, best qnd best mobile phone brand by far. They used Symbian OS, where everyone could program their applications, they could be sent to ones friends phone and use there.. Well, Microsoft came and bought the wholesale Nokia and now the brand is down there hanging along the rest unnoticeable brands and labels. SO you can imagine what my reaction was, as i tried this ChatGPT and first asked: Do you speak Finnish? 「-Kyllä. Minä puhun Suomea.」 This is just hella fly of an AI-tool! Actually, you can fact-check the information i gave you about Finland, and see if i』m exaggerating 😉 Thanks for a great video! Gotta start using Discord once again, more haha 😁 C ya guys there!

  5. Very well put together video. I don't have any interest in making money with the tool, however I have just discovered it today and have spent countless hours on it experimenting. I can recount few times in my life I have been as utterly awestruck as I have been today. Certainly an inflection point for mankind and, potentially, a crossing of the Rubicon.

  6. Turns they have humans pretending to be ai just ask if you are talking to a human they will tell you you are talking to a human even told me they know a lot about finances and they could give me an honest answer then i asked them what degrees or do they have a portfolio and no they do not but they can predict stocks for me even pretend they are ai the whole time.

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