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00:00 開始
00:10 準備工具
02:00 開始搭建
06:56 創建節點
08:40 手機測試
09:40 電腦測試

  1. 我打開了二級域名的代理,然後關閉了它。現在一切都好了,但是影子火箭掃描二維碼後無法連接互聯網。我該怎麼辦?

  2. No, I followed the video and it just stuck, when I logged in using the IP and filled in the relevant key, logging in using the domain name didn't work, it said "The connection you have established with this site is not secure", "This site cannot be accessed".

  3. 我按照視頻所說的去做,然後當我進入瀏覽器登錄的第二部分時,當我將 Ip 更改為二級域時,它在站點前面顯示了一個帶有 i 的圓圈,表示您與此站點建立的連接不安全。視頻開始7.10分鐘

  4. When I get to the last step and change the IP to a second level domain to log in, it says that it is not safe to establish a connection with this website.

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