Noam Chomsky's DIRE WARNING On ChatGPT | Breaking Points

Krystal and Saagar react to Noam Chomsky giving a stark warning about the future of AI programs like ChatGPT.

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  1. Where was Noam during the gas lighting of covid and The entirely twisted linguistics and definitions of these times? It seems he has abandoned his linguist roots. Good sound-bite for the applocalypse though 🔥

  2. AI doesn』t think like a human just as a plane doesn』t fly like a bird, but it would be obtuse to say what a plane does doesn』t count as flying

  3. This is hubris.

    This is like if you look at PONG in 1984 and laugh and say it'll never evolve to be a metaverse.

    English people suck at science. That's why they aren't IN science.

    This tool will displace BILLIONS. Coding DOES involve creativity and imagination, that's why people fail to succeed in it.

    AI figured out creativity too, example: Midjourney AI. It can do paintings of any topic you like, in the style you like… IN MINUTES.

  4. Interesting topic! Many folks have been long concerned with 「artificial intelligence」 of ANOTHER very common 「outsourced」 sort. The type that has been long taught in universities, sales academies and M$M strategy sessions where people actually are strongly encouraged to REFRAIN!!!!! from original human thinking of any sort… 🙄 According to that theory, 95?% of human intelligence is ALREADY 「artificial」: or, not connected to a living breathing healthy and uniquely wonderful God-created conscience-endowed soul. 🫥🫡 「Whoops!」

  5. Saagar and Krystal, first, I think you both come off as sentient beings and your creators, Robonews Presenter Dynamics, has clearly made you look as human as possible. Viewing from across the world, we are astounded at how Krystal reacts as a woman and Saagar's library-mind of course gives it away… JUST KIDDING! Victor Hugo wrote "All the armies in the world cannot stop an idea whose time has come." Fire was invented and it certainly must have frightened everyone at first and of course it was used as a weapon and there were accidents—-but society found a way to control it by creating a Fire Department. I submit that AI will go further than it should and end up getting weaponized and coming back to bite us, but we must do this and it will forever be on our side. Long ago, I don't know if this is exactly true, but wolves and animals like them were taken from the wild and bred to be household pets. There are huge, powerful dogs today like a Husky which will look over a human baby like one of its own. What am I saying here? We have to continue letting AI develop, but there is one caveat. We must breed the future robots that will be smarter, stronger and more cunning than we could ever be into being like the family dog. An AI inspired robot in any form can invent new universes on its day off for all I care, but it must heel. A child must be able to feel safe and the robot must obey the child. Dirk Bogarde's most frightening film for me is The Servant. Briefly, a servant takes over the estate and the owner. We must breed i.e., program into these wonders of human creativity into being as playful and obedient as our family dog. It can be done and it will be done or kingdom come will be our end in heaven…

  6. The only real law and power lies with ownership, which is held exclusively in the hands of monopolistic and tyrannical private interests — at public expense. Americans bring good service to bad causes.

  7. he compares the brain with chat GPT, you could say the same between a bird and a airplane. Airplanes work. Anyway, it doesnt look like Chomsky has used GPT4. He would be scared…

  8. It's a technology we can do without! We don't need it for quality of life. And the important phraseology here is "quality of life!" It should be clear that we're not managing the socio-political and economic situations well. -My opinion is we're doing very badly at it.

  9. To help those who don't know whose considerations to take more seriously I'll remember that this, YouTube + and all the software we use, was made possible by Noam Chomsky's work on Generative Syntax that made possible the develpment of Compilers for High Level programming language. Compilers are pieces of software that translate a software written in a programming language similar to natural language into machine language.

    Jorge Luis Borges was a great writer who used the Fantastic Realist style – hence "Borgesian". Chomsky was refering to those who create a fantasy that looks like reality. It was also an amazing way to show how the way we deal with language is different than the way thesee Large Language Models do since most of us could simply ignore "Borgesian" and keep reading the text and understand it. Colorless green ideas sleep furiously, hamburgerly!

    About the point "in the past no one knew that and were afraid of that other thing …": In the past no one knew what burning coal and oil would do, also.

  10. As far as I'm concerned, Noam Chomsky has lost any shred of respect I had for him with his opinions on Covid, calling those who chose not to vax, morons. This guy is an absolute clown.

  11. Borges was not a philosopher, he was writer. He wrote a very important poem called The Golem (a short narrative relating how Rabbi Low of Prague created an artificial man).

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