Number go up: Bitcoin is a Trojan Horse | Alex Gladstein and Lex Fridman

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Alex Gladstein is the Chief Strategy Officer at the Human Rights Foundation and the Oslo Freedom Forum.

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  1. Greed is not human nature. Greed is something that is taught and learned. Stop teaching it and it will go away. It is human nature to learn, but what humans learn is very is to change.

  2. 1000 years they will be watching this video and be like "Remember when citizens thought they had their own currency" The same way we think about the Salem witch trials now . By the way , it used to be that banks used to create their own money – each bank had a separate currency , and remember how that worked out 😆

  3. If you are buying number go up and freedom go up technology I honestly am sorry for you there are many scammers that will take advantage of overly gullible people.

  4. I always heard bitcoin was created so that you could basically spend money transfer money and everything without anybody knowing who anybody is But then you hear certain people've saved other people's information and was going to expose them and everything else I thought bitcoin transactions were supposed to be Unanimous

  5. This dude thinks it will create sovereign individuals. LOL Shut up and pay your taxes slave. And by the way electricity and internet are regulated industries. Bitcoin only does what these people think in a Utopia. Like they're going to wrestle away power from the governments and bankers without bloodshed. Wake up.

  6. Unfortunately, Blockstream has already hijacked the bitcoin agenda on behalf of the banking cartel. So much for trying to shove freedom down the throat of slaves who don't get it.
    If the bitcoin developer community does not get things back on track, humanity will have lost its last hope at freedom in its truest sense.

    Thanks, Satoshi for trying.

  7. bitcoin will be used, because it is the best performing asset. that's a great argument, Ponzi. People will invest in bitcoin, because bitcoin is good. Bitcoin is good, because people will invest in it. Got it.

  8. Wow he's literally delusional, Bitcoin is not money, in order for anything to be used as money it must have price stability.
    No business could function if their capital and billing had the characteristic of price fluctuations even @5% over the next week. Possible fluctuations of 25% over the next day, week or even year would wipe out any economy, there'd be no trust on any side of the transaction.

    What business would invest millions in new infrastructure, equipment, manufacturing, etc if they could get a 25% better price next month or lose 25% in a month?
    So let's now imagine if the price somehow stabilized to less than 1% fluctuations over medium range periods, say 3-15 months which would be the minimum needed to be a functional currency "safe" enough for people to risk their livelihoods or make for an attractive opportunity to ACTUALLY create something or provide a service in the physical world?

    It would then lose all speculative appeal in the trading markets, get sold off by all those not firmly commited to the ideological concept and end up being worth much less while also being as boring as traditional currency trading.

    To believe in crypto as a currency is to admit not understanding what currency must intrinsically be for it to be a functional currency in the 1st place. The finite limit of bitcoin, that fact alone, renders it useless as a functional currency in an ever expanding population. Heck, that's why we got rid of gold based money, it's hugely inflationary when demand exceeds supply and opens the door to hostile governments or wealthy individuals to buy it all up over time and use it to control everytging from governments to natural resources necessary for life such as food and energy..

    Best case scenario is some global transition to a unified currency which could only happen with the full cooperation of multiple governments… and we're that to happen we're back at square one reinventing the wheel in hopes of getting back to the stability and vibrant economy we already have now thanks to centuries of trial and error regarding money and its relationship to a fluid economic system.

    So all bitcoin will ever be is essentially a speculative vehicle for Libertarian minded anti-government types, ignorant about the federal reserve, and closet anarchists.

    It has no other appeal because what we have now not only works phenomenally well, it's better due to its stability.

    Money isn't a religion which crypto advocates clearly appear to be, they just don't know it because just as they are ignorant on what is required for a currency to be functional, they're equally ignorant about their own human nature as individuals or as a collective.

    As a long time serious trader, I learned a long time ago; never trade based on your politics or religion. The vast majority will lose everything everytime hoping they'll hit the lottery like those who got in the ponzi game early, long before you ever heard of it. Those are the only winners, everyone else is playing slots, bragging when they get lucky and hit small jackpots while putting it all back in hoping they'll win the grand mega jackpot which, of course, happens so rarely that the rational mind must classify it as impossible on a functional level.

    If something only happens on average to 1 person out of millions, as an investment, your odds are zero as a practical matter if you're goal is to be successful.

  9. Worst take I』ve ever heard about Bitcoin, the monomaniacal optimism of this is hard to stomach. This is not a freedom tool, it』s an open-ponzi as Nassim Taleb put it.

  10. Blockchain may be the world's first and only perfect software source code, but it runs on a collection of commercial devices made by corporations that have the opportunity to install back doors in their products.
    Components of THE INTERNET can be hacked to steal your bitcoin. trojan horse condoms fit #TRUMP

  11. It's important to note that there's another Trojan horse at play. Digital currencies will be far more traceable and freezable than any kind of cash economy. So the FGU idea also has a very distinct FGD counter idea.

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