Trojan Horse Discovered At Troy??

A discovery at the ancient site of Troy has some archaeologists connecting it to the famed Trojan Horse of mythology.

Intro credits
Thanks Julie !!

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  1. I see a bunch of articles claiming they debunked this. "The wood would biodegrade by now" is their only claim, then they reiterate the trojan horse was just myth. The same way they claimed "troy was only myth".

  2. yet …I think its a hoax … A few years ago it turned out that it wasn』t an actual wooden horse. Francesco Tiboni, an Italian archaeologist, discovered that the Trojan Horse was actaully a Phoenician boat.Tiboni argues that the error is very ancient. It appears that the word used for this specific Phoenician boat was the ancient greek ἵππος, a word that meant Horse. So many translators confused the two words, thinking that the Ancient Greeks had built a giant wooden horse instead of a Phoenician boat.

  3. What's with all the windows on the depictions? Don't you think that the Trojans would have thought it a bit odd that a giant horse statue had so many windows. And, by the look of one reproduction, a summer cottage on it's back.

  4. The Anti-Goylumites have used Jesus as a Trojan horse via the Catholic church ever since they killed him.

    Crusades, WW1, WW2 were all Zionist campaigns using the Gentiles.

    "Turn the other cheek" lest you be used to do the dirty work of the self proclaimed chosen people = Nazi Master Race.

    "Swear no oaths, Let YOUR yes mean yes and YOUR no mean no." Or you will be used to kill your fellow man by those who think your less than human.

    We live in an electric universe powered by and held in position between the two energies of the galactic plane.

    Welcome to the END TIMES climate change when our solar system crosses over our galaxies double torus electromagnetic gravitational plane for a thousand years.

    Jesus warned us about these the END TIMES climate change with the book of REVELATIONS and the 7 north stars of the Great Year, PRECESSION of the equinoxes Alpha/Omega.

    The disasters your witnessing now are just the birthing pains. Mother Earth's WATER won't break until the conjunction of the planets in 2033 pulls the oceans around the planet east to west 800 mph at the he equator. And every 40 years thereafter for the millennia it takes to eclipse the galactic plane. Antikethera device, Gobekli Tepe.

    The galactic Milankovitch cycles cause our Climate Cycles with the 235,000 year rotation of the galactic bulge eccentricity being the outside force that causes obliquity climate trends and cataclysmic precession climate change.

    Build that WALL like the CARNAC stones.
    Znamya solar sail laser spotlight satellites for garden Eden & geo-engineering.
    Ezekiel Musk VTVL rockets ARC
    Musk boring company underground cities to shelter from the emp pillars of fire lightning and 100 lb Talen sized hail.
    Praise Jesus because he UNITES us all and UNITED the Brood of Vipers can't Divide and Conquer humanity along race, creed, class and religion.

  5. Brian forester would be intrigued by THERE EYES. LOOK AT HOW BIG THEY ARE IN THE CARVING, all the different cranials he's been researching all have big eye sockets like these.

  6. I personally dont believe anything that comes out of archeologists mouth. How many times do they have to lie, hide, and destroy stuff before you realize it's all a fairy tale. They push their fairy tales often while destroying things that dont fit their fairy tale.

  7. Sorry guys, have a problem accepting prolonged war and slaughter on such scale over a piece of ass.
    Wonder how the Trojan Horse mythology does fit into Electric Universe Theory, though.
    Have a safe and blessed weekend!

  8. Did these depictions in stone predate Homer? He told the story that to Classical Greeks (A.D.) was a forgtotten? old tale then. I recently read a good translation of the Iliad. It's an odd tale–archaic in context and diffracted in the way it is presented. The funeral of Hector consumes much of the last part. The Trojan horse does not appear.

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