Trojan Horse virus || Types of Trojan virus || PopUp or spam

Trojan Horse virus || Types of Trojan virus || PopUp or spam
This video is uploaded for educational purposes. Trojan Horse virus || Types of Trojan virus || PopUp or spam which destroy all your data and systems. must be aware of yourself.
In this video, we’re going to talk about the Trojan Horse virus and the different types of Trojan viruses. We’ll also cover how to identify PopUp or spam windows and how to prevent them from happening on your computer.

This video is a must-watch if you’re concerned about your computer security. We’ll discuss the different types of Trojan viruses and how to prevent them from infecting your computer. If you’re ever worried about your computer’s security, make sure to watch this video!

In computing, a Trojan horse is any malware that misleads users of its true intent by disguising itself as a standard program. The term is derived from the ancient Greek story of the deceptive Trojan Horse that led to the fall of the city of Troy. Trojans are generally spread by some form of social engineering. Wikipedia

The Trojan Horse was a wooden horse said to have been used by the Greeks during the Trojan War to enter the city of Troy and win the war.
A Trojan horse, often referred to simply as a “Trojan,” is a type of malicious software (malware) that disguises itself as legitimate or useful software to trick users into installing it on their computers. Once installed, the Trojan performs malicious actions, often without the user’s knowledge or consent. The term “Trojan horse” comes from Greek mythology, where the Greeks used a giant wooden horse to sneak their soldiers into the city of Troy, leading to its downfall.

The mechanism of a Trojan horse virus involves several stages:

Disguise: The Trojan is disguised as legitimate software or files to deceive users into believing it is harmless or beneficial. Common disguises include software updates, security patches, free applications, or media files (e.g., movies, music).

Delivery: Trojans are typically distributed through various means, including email attachments, infected websites, file-sharing networks, peer-to-peer (P2P) networks, social engineering, and even bundled with legitimate software downloads.

Installation: Once the user unwittingly downloads and executes the Trojan, it installs itself on the target system. This can happen through self-extraction, manipulation of vulnerabilities, or user interaction (e.g., clicking on a malicious link or running an infected executable).

Payload Execution: After successful installation, the Trojan executes its payload. The payload is the malicious code or action the Trojan was designed to carry out. Different Trojans have various payloads, which can include any of the following:

Data Theft: Trojans can steal sensitive information like login credentials, financial data, personal information, etc.

Backdoor Access: Trojans can create a backdoor on the infected system, allowing remote attackers to gain unauthorized access and control.

Botnet Formation: Some Trojans can convert the infected system into a part of a botnet, a network of compromised computers controlled by a central command-and-control (C&C) server.

Destruction: Trojans may also be designed to delete files, corrupt data, or damage the system, causing disruption or loss of information.

Ransomware: Some Trojans act as a delivery mechanism for ransomware, encrypting files and demanding a ransom for decryption.

Spying: Certain Trojans can monitor user activity, capture screenshots, or record keystrokes to gather sensitive information.
Persistence: To maintain a long-term presence on the infected system, Trojans often create registry entries or employ other techniques to ensure their code is executed every time the system boots up.

Stealth and Evasion: Advanced Trojans may use techniques to hide their presence from security software, making it difficult for antivirus programs to detect and remove them.

To protect against Trojan horse viruses, users should exercise caution when downloading files or clicking on links from unknown sources, keep their software up-to-date, and use reputable antivirus and security software. Regular system backups are also essential to mitigate the impact of potential infections.

#trojenvirus #chatgpt
trojan horse virus

  1. 1) In this video, the instructor talked about the "Torjan virus."

    2) It's a kind of malware that corrupts the computer by deleting and blocking data.
    3) There are numerous varieties. The fundamental ones are Torjan Downloader, Torjan Banker, and Ransomware
    (Ghulam mustafa : CSC-22F- 018)

  2. Ghulam mustafa. : CSC-22F-018

    1) The effects of trojan viruses erase data,

    copies or alters data.
    2) It is challenging to recover the data without a decryption key
    3. Never open attachments that have been sent to you that you do not recognise.

  3. A-BWA-09-3B(070)
    Rating 4/5.
    1.Trojan horse virus is types of malware and it is use cyber criminal.
    2.The ransomeware virus it is types of trojan and that can encrpt data on your computer /device. The cyber criminal who control this an some would demand a ransome for providing the decryption key.
    3.Cyber Criminal send to you email with malicious link or attachment. Then user click on that link cyber criminal take control his device.

  4. AL-BL-08-3B(063)
    1) Torjan horse is a type of malware that conceal its true content to fool a user into thinking its harmless file
    2)ranswomware is a type of torjan that can encrypt the data on your computer.
    3)Never download software from untrusted sources

  5. A-BL-08-3B (057)
    1) Effects of trojan virus deletes data, modifies data, or copies data.
    2) It is difficult to recover the data without a decryption key.
    3) Never open attachments sent to you that you don't know.

  6. AL-08-3D
    1) trojan is used to fool others to take access
    2) commconly used by hackers on their prey …seeming harmless at first
    3) they can extract data right off your system

  7. BL-08-3E
    1) In this video, the trainer discussed about the 'Torjan virus'
    2) It's a type of malware which harms the computer like delete and blocks the data.
    3) It has many types some basic are Ransomware, Torjan banker, Torjan Downloader .

  8. A-BL-08-3B (120)
    1)trojan horse is a virus through which data can be accessed illegally
    2)trojan horse may delete cookies and modifies data
    3) type ransomware

  9. (BL-08-3E) (159)
    3 points:

    1. Some computer viruses attack our program to harm your computer by damaging programs.
    2. A Trojan horse or trojan virus is a type of malware that is often disguised or legitimate software.
    3. Trojan virus come from sharing a illegal game downloads through peer to peer networks is a sure way to get a trojan horse.

  10. A-BL-08-3A (027)

    1-Trojan horse is a type of Maware.
    2- effects when you encounter Trojan horse:
    •Delete Data • copies Data • modifies data • block data
    3- types of trojan virus
    ~ Trojan Downloader ~ Ransomware ~ Trojan droppers ~ trojan backdoor ~ trojan banker

  11. A-BL-08-3C (104)

    1- A user visits a malicious website and experiences a drive-by download pretending to be helpful software

    2-Trojan horse is any malware which misleads users of its true intent.

    3-Trojans can be employed by cyber-thieves and hackers trying to gain access to users' systems.

    Done ✅

  12. A-BL-08-3C (095)
    1.Trojan horse is a virus, designed to damage or inflict some other harmful action on your data or network. can take your computer's control.
    3. Switcher trojan is used to target the Android devices specifically.

  13. A-BL-08-3C (135)
    (VIDEO 4)
    1. Trojan horse is any malware which misleads users of its true intent.
    2. Trojans can be employed by cyber-thieves and hackers trying to gain access to users' systems.
    3. A user visits a malicious website and experiences a drive-by download pretending to be helpful software

  14. A-BWA-09-3B(120)
    (i) fonts, voice & explanation is clear.
    (ii) every detail is properly defined.
    (iii) attractive graphics are used.

  15. (AT-04-3E)-093
    1) Trojan virus is a malware that can be used to extract the sensitive data from the user
    2) Trojan virus creates the effect in which it delete, modifies, block and slow the data performance
    3) Trojan downloader: it install different software's into the system automatically
    Trojan droppers: used by cyber criminals to install malware
    Ransomware: It can encrypt the data on your computer
    Trojan banker: Used for the bank encryption or online transaction
    Trojan backdoor: Allow to remotely control or access other's computer

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