TikTok Ban Bill Is PATRIOT ACT 2.0 Trojan Horse | Counter Points

Ryan and Emily break down the RESTRICT Act being proposed in Congress under the guise of banning TikTok with much far reaching implications.

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#news #politics #youtube #tiktok #china

  1. It's not even clear that Tiktok would have to divest under the bill, The bill looks like it is far more closely aimed at Huawei than Tiktok. But it is written so broadly as to include everything from the development of the Linux kernel and the PostgreSQL relational database system to purchasing contracts by telecommunications providers.

  2. None of the stuff they claim about TikTok is true. Everyone should sign up and use it and see what it』s really about.
    This is ALL because meta cannot compete and they hired a firm to spread propaganda and lobby Congress to ban TT.
    The restrict act is everything Snowden warned us about. It』s really upsetting so many conservatives are going along with it.

  3. Keep in mind, this isn't the bill we need to be worried about. This is the really shitty bill they know people will be up in arms. After this, they'll try to pass a bill that still erodes our rights, but just does so in a more palatable manner and to a lesser extent. THAT is the one you need to look out for.

  4. So, what I want to know is this. Someone on reddit said that they would use this to ban ANY AND EVERY video game made outside of america. Is this likely or no? I can't imagine it would be, given that some of the highest earning games franchises like Pokemon originate from outside america. It would also be the end of Nintendo and many other game companies. Also, I'm fairly sure they have no method of actually taking my books job games away from me, but I wanted to be sure.

  5. I can't wait until White's become a minority in the US. This is a clear example of White imperialism. I hope I'm alive in 20 years to see the shift. Vote for Pedro 2042!!!

  6. you know all companies collect on our information not just tick toc any company can buy our info even our email company sell our info so this would include all of the companies its just this one is owned directly by a foreign company but at least we know its foreign Any foreign company can buy our info from American co.

  7. I had to come look this information up from a comment on someone』s video. I follow quite a few political figures on the right. In fact, I think it was a comment on a Marjorie Taylor Greene post about Trump. I think most don』t know the details but rather think it』s just about to ban or not to ban. I figured it was more than meets the eye. Thanks for sharing this.

  8. The "Terminate TikTok on Campus Act of 2023" (H.R. 231) is a bill introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives. If enacted, it would prohibit federal funds from being provided to institutions of higher education unless they ban the use of TikTok on electronic devices owned or issued by the institution.

    Here's a summary of the main provisions of the bill:

    Short Title: The bill is referred to as the "Terminate TikTok on Campus Act of 2023."

    Prohibition on Federal Funds: The bill would prohibit federal funding for institutions of higher education that do not develop and implement standards and guidelines banning TikTok on their electronic devices and requiring the removal of TikTok from such devices.

    Research Exception: The bill provides an exception for research related to national security, law enforcement, telecommunications, or cybersecurity that is conducted by, supervised by, or authorized by faculty of an institution of higher education.

    Definitions: The bill defines "institution of higher education" according to the Higher Education Act of 1965, "electronic device" as a device capable of accessing the internet, and "TikTok" as the social networking service TikTok or any successor application or service developed or provided by ByteDance Limited or an entity owned by ByteDance Limited.

    What this means for end users:

    If this bill is enacted, students, faculty, and staff at institutions of higher education that receive federal funds would be prohibited from using TikTok on electronic devices owned or issued by the institution, with some exceptions for research purposes. This could impact the use of TikTok as a tool for communication, entertainment, or education on college campuses.

    Given your emphasis on fairness, freedom, and privacy, you might want to consider the following aspects of the bill:

    Privacy concerns: TikTok has been criticized for its data collection practices, and this bill could be seen as a measure to protect the privacy of students, faculty, and staff at higher education institutions.

    Freedom of expression: On the other hand, the bill could be viewed as a limitation on the freedom of expression for members of higher education communities, who would be restricted from using a popular social media platform on institution-owned or issued devices.

    Equity and access: The prohibition could disproportionately affect students who rely on institution-provided devices for their personal use, as they would be unable to access TikTok, whereas students with personal devices could continue using the app.

    Before taking a stance on the bill, you may want to weigh these factors and consider the potential benefits and drawbacks of such a prohibition for students, faculty, and staff at institutions of higher education.

  9. This is a declaration of war against China, our number one trading partner. If they did the same thing to us it would cripple our economy. This clearly shows our elitist desire to have a war with China sooner than later.

  10. The gas lighting is insane. BP』s has no credibility. Twitter met with gov officials to censor millions of Americans, censor the press, and effectively changed the outcome of a presidential election. Arab spring? What about the Twitter Files? This will be known as the greatest violation of the 1st Amendment in US history. But tell us how great they were at protecting free speech in Egypt…

  11. Never let a good crisis go to waste. Who cares kids are killing themselves at record numbers, mutilating their bodies or becoming incels. Doing right by the American people and kids be damned! Let』s just seize more power.

  12. our country was created from fighting the fucks like are running our country now… Both Sides.. Its a joke.. we need real people in, young, intelligent, open minded and participated in some type of psychedelic ritual at least once..

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