America ‘waking up』 to China』s 『trojan horse』 campaign

The United States is finally 「waking up」 to China』s 「trojan horse」 balloon campaign, which is being used to possibly target military sites, according to security expert Dr Sally Leivesley.

「The Americans now understand that American homeland, as we should understand as a nuclear nation here, will be being targeted,」 Dr Leivesley said.

「These close-to-the-ground, highly capable surveillance balloons may not just be communications but may be doing the potential targeting that a new nuclear weapon may use in the future.

「There』s more close surveillance of potential sites than we may have assumed.」

  1. Why do they need to spy. They have bought out leadership in all institutions including in government with personal wealth uplift business deals to literally sell out America. The Trojan horse payload is released.

  2. What an idiotic hypocritical position taken by the US to accuse China of spying via these unarmed civil use weather balloons when the US has been every day been conducting spying operations against China since 1949 by intentionally and provocatively sending heavily armed warships and spy planes to seriously violate China's sovereign waters and air spaces under ridiculously concocted pretexts such as freedom of navigation (,ie., Spying)!
    This balloon flew at 85000 and 100000 feet in the earth's international space where tens of thousands of international satellites orbit and into which thousands of research balloons are released every day whilst US sovereign air space legally stops at 65000, feet!

  3. To me the wakeup call is the fact that all of a sudden the government is publishing all this balloon stuff. Operations like that used to be secret. We need to worry what this government is preparing. Third WW?

  4. Australia is a country that I look down most! The country doesn』t have any chivalry! Huawei ban to now not lifted, importantly, currently, Australia government removes ALL Chinese-made cameras in its building, what the peasants( Australians) want to ??? If Australia is to continue to view China as a foe and not a friend, China will not be a friend with Australia, this is not a threat , this is a philosophy!

  5. Chinese will laugh when they read this kind of reporting. It's hard to believe the wild imagination western people have. They must be suffering from chronic insecurity complex based on the hubris and arrogance developed for generations since the colonial time. Their minds are contaminated with aggression and counter aggression. It is extremely hard for normal people with healthy mind to understand this kind of paranoia. Americans are brainwashed from very early age in their educational system to be a hubris, arrogant and prejudice nation. What we are seeing in Washington are the products of the system.

  6. The whole thing is a propaganda psyop by those that run the US hegemon and spread to the masses by mockingbird media. Those that run the US, UK, and most of Europe desire a world war to renew that hegemony…

  7. 1990. The Economist. China's economy has come to a
    1996. The Economist. China's economy will face a hard
    1998. The Economist: China's economy entering a
    dangerous period of sluggish growth.
    1999. Bank of Canada: Likelihood of a hard landing for
    the Chinese economy.
    2000. Chicago Tribune: China currency move nails hard
    landing risk coffin.
    2001. Wilbanks, Smith & Thomas: A hard landing in
    2002. Westchester University: China Anxiously Seeks a
    Soft Economic Landing
    2003. KWR International: How to find a soft landing if
    2004. The Economist: The great fall of China?
    2005. Nouriel Roubini: The Risk of a Hard Landing in
    2006. International Economy: Can China Achieve a Soft
    2007. TIME: Is China's Economy Overheating? Can China
    avoid a hard landing?
    2008. Forbes: Hard Landing In China?
    2009. Fortune: China's hard landing. China must find a
    way to recover.
    2010. Nouriel Roubini: Hard landing coming in China.
    2011. Business Insider: A Chinese
    2012. American Interest: Dismal Economic News from
    China: A Hard Landing
    2013. Zero Hedge: A Hard Landing In China
    2014. CNBC: A hard landing in China.
    2015. Forbes: Congratulations, You Got Yourself A
    Chinese Hard Landing..
    2016. The Economist: Hard landing looms for China
    2017. National Interest: Is China's Economy Going To
    2020. Economics Explained: The Scary Solution to the
    Chinese Debt Crisis
    2021. Global Economics: Has China's Downfall Started?
    2022. Cathie Wood: China's COLLAPSE Is FAR Worse
    Than You Think
    2022. Business Basics: China's Economic Crisis, GDP is
    Crashing, Protests Everywhere. China's financial crisis is
    2022.Nathan Rich-Skynews expose

  8. The Chinese are testing American early warning radars with different size and shape ballon』s at different altitudes to see how good those radars are.

  9. Competitor? CCP China is the "Adversary" of our generation, no less. We're totally responsible for creating this monster that we must destroy now, for the future generations of the world. It's the least we could do.

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