Wireguard: Gateway to free self-hosted Netflix/Spotify!

Forum Thread: https://forum.level1techs.com/t/the-ultimate-home-server-toward-an-amalgamation/179988

#UltimateHomeServer This isn’t a video about how to get free Netflix/Spotify, but rather how to set up your own home server and stream off of it like its a Netflix/Spotify.

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Intro and Outro Music: “Earth Bound” by Slynk
Other Music: “FollowHer” by Zeeky Beats

  1. If we take a look at "diagram" at 7:20 , is 'Cloud Service' able to access un-encrypted trafic? If I use some shady vps provider, will this method truly encrypt data from my phone to home server? Is the vps host isolated from my network?

  2. Is it possible to host Wireguard cloud server part yourself? I get on the face of it, that sounds odd, as it would sit behind your firewall, and the whole point of wiregaurd is to securely get past it, but hear me out… If you put the 'Wireguard Box' on a VLAN that has NO ACCESS TO ANYTHING other than internet (like a guest WiFi VLAN would), is that enough to just have a port forward to, knowing it is access all for the public. It is totally isolated, and only has the same job as a Linode type server, with no more or less security issues???

  3. I finally was able to get IPv6 for my residential connection. And my mobile carrier is also deploying IPv6, so I've started to move all my self hosted stuff to IPv6.

  4. one tip with routers who dont allow port forwarding they generally support upnp and you can add ports for it with miniupnp server to open ports that way. also with ddyns use ddclient you can set it to check for an ip change every second as it will only send through the update ip command if the ip changes so it doesnt hammer the services you use. dnsomatic works really well as well for a A name record however if you use duckdns for the domain and have a real name you add the duckdns domain as a cname record on your FQDN for an easy solution.

  5. I recently set up OpenVPN on my pfSense mainly because changing the DNS on a phone is nearly impossible (for usage outside of home) while routing traffic through VPN is piece of cake and now on top of being able to filter my traffic through my piHole, I have the luxury of being able to access my local network stuff when not in home.
    I set up OpenVPN because I've used it before (hosted on Linux as Hamachi alternative that I have full control of) and because WireGuard is not available anymore on pfSense so out of the 3 choices pfSense gave me by default I only knew OpenVPN.

  6. Transcode DVD sets onto NAS? For every show? You must be joking!
    The X Files for example is 68 DVDs. That's like a full time job for days (it's not unattended process and someone needs to flip the DVDs and rename files). If you don't consider your time worthless and you count some per hour cost, plus cost of the box set to begin with, and even disregarding power consumption and buying the PC or DVD reader. That one show alone costs you same as Netflix for couple of years. So just doing top 20 classic shows, assuming they all even are available on DVD, will cover streaming subscription longer the best part of the rest of my life. An then I still can't watch any of the new stuff. And I have to be my own IT service to maintain the server, deal with drives dying from time to time, and if basement floods and my server dies all that work is ruined.
    This home server thing can only make some sense if you have other friends doing the transcoding too and you all exchange your work. Of course still everyone needs to buy the DVDs or it's "privateering" 🙂

  7. If your DNS provider provides an API for changing your DNS entries, there's a good chance you can make it work with ddclient, meaning you don't have to rely on services that are specifically dyndns

  8. could one use the unifi VPN on the udm pro? is there a benefit over running wiregaurd somewhere if a VPN can be configures on the router directly?

  9. Zerotier is also fine for this. If you're extra paranoid you can set up your own network controller. Their approach to sd-wan is pretty interesting. It'd be great to hear your option about it. I've been using it for about 4 years and it's been pretty solid, specially on Linux and Windows.

  10. Wendell, i like the way you laid out the different ISP configs possible and the solutions each of thise configs could use.
    Seems like a good start to the ultimate network architecture flowchart guide!

  11. So, when you connect a NAS, a Linode VPS and a Phone together, all via WireGuard®, and you access the NAS via the Phone, does all the traffic between the Phone and the NAS get relayed through the Linode VPS as an intermediary, or WireGuard® is smart enough to use the Linode VPS just for some sort of NAT/UDP hole punching service, so that the Phone could connect directly to the NAS without any traffic going through the Linode VPS?
    If all the traffic does get relayed though the Linode VPS (very inefficient!) does Linode offer free unlimited bandwidth?

  12. Do a spreadsheet and calculate all the money spent on your NAS, your drives, your backups, your power and then the purchase of movies and shows (obtaining free copies is not comparing apples with apples), and you might find it's not all that different.

  13. For some reason, whenever I try to watch this video on my Mi Box using vanced, android completely crashes and reboots, and this only happens with this video.
    Someone doesn't want me to watch this video.

  14. I used to have a similar service running from my home up to two years ago, but decided to shut it down and keep all local because I was worried not to have the time to check the logs in case something happens – a little paranoid. Many services going to the internet with dynamic dns configuration, that was really useful. Not safe enough but useful. Now you』ve made me wonder if I can Wireguard the hell of this stuff and keep some peace of mind. A new project for summer… 🙂

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