
在元旦,防暴警察向香港议员泰德·许志峰(Ted Hui Chi-fung)喷上胡椒粉。


  1. Freedom of speech is a God given right and no one has the right to take that away! When a law makes freedom of speech illegal, then that is an immoral, corrupt law!

  2. Please let the public know who this mad and lawless police is, including his name, date of birth, where he is living, which division he is working at, what his boss say about this kind of thing he did. We need to know, and we have rights to know, who give him the rights to spray to lawmaker, and simply dis allow the lawmaker even speak!
    His cop need to be sanctioned, he should never be allowed to come in the US, and US should also deal with his property if he has any in the United States of America.

  3. The CCP poppet Hong Kong police is so violence, even refuse to allow the Lawmaker to talk.
    This video shows the Chinese Communist Party regime can be openly violate people's free speech, and the CCP regime and it's poppets are totally lawless, and disrespect people's democracy and human rights.
    Shame on the CCP poppets of Hong Kong!

  4. This is an "execution style" with assault weapon police brutality. 2020 will be the end of CCP China and China police. This police will be arrested.

  5. I hope those cops get beaten after work so hard that they wont be able to perform their thug duties anymore..!
    Happy PIG HEAD day to mainland!!

  6. After US politicans seeing police violating Hong Kong human rights bill. Starting this year and next year. No more windows, Google OS and MacOS for China. Every police department, China household and government office in china will be powered by Kylin OS and Huawei have to develop their own OS. Carrie Lam cannot use Windows, Mac at workplace. She have to china state sponsored Kylin Operating system. If she used windows or pirate software of windows. She can end up going to jail and disobeying president Xi signing bill. Next year, no more windows educations in China school but Kylin Operating system. Hong Kong is allowed to have Windows OS. Police can't have in their own office. US government can trace any hong Kong's police offices that uses windows , Mac, etc. They learn to use China state sponsored or government operating system Kylin.

  7. Hmm.. just because he is a lawmaker, to think that he can just bother police operation. Lawmaker should uphold the law to higher standard. He is not above the law.

  8. Lawmaker or not, you don't use your power or position to tell the police how to run their operation and run interferences. Plus, you don't commit aiding and abetting criminals for criminal acts and political purposes. Stay in your office.

  9. While we are on the topic of political views, whatever China is doing its has lifted 850 million out of poverty and claiming (climbing), I think even higher if I'm not mistaken. If China was that scary then we do 130 million Chinese tourist travel back to China after they hve left if its so bad?

    Its so sad to see people thinking they are doing good because so called democracy, no county is really democratic. Especially the country that has their nations money being printed by a private bank known as the central bank or the federal reserves, since when were those guys elected? These guys dilute our money worth by printing more money and cleverly calling it inflation, remember when a can of coke was 25 cents? The president's and prime minister of the western world only inherit the entrenched corruption in their governments and helpless to correct the sham we called modern western democracy.

    Bring back real democracy! Take back control of our own nations money supply!

    Free the Americas, native Indian nations deserve justice too! Human rights, yet the US drops on average 100 bombs a day on people that makes on average a few dollars a day. Wait…so how much is each bomb worth $50-70,000? Does this BS make sense to you?

    Think about it ?

  10. He should be arrested for disobeying and interfering police operation. He should get sprayed long long time ago for many times. He is a clown. Good job, police! He would have been arrested hundreds times he was in DC. He thought he is above the law.

  11. There are around 35000 police in HK and the last 6 months been getting aggregation, Lazer and bricks. Shouting and violence and normal stress of life.
    They are fucking stressed!! If the police in the US was faced with the same situation there would be a lot more dead protesters.

  12. It is disgusting to me that we do business with communist countries that will sensor their media and control the internet for there citizens. I am not only speaking of China. I hope the citizens of Hong Kong declare and achieve their independence!

  13. Communists troll these reports. Disgusting how little they care for their basic human rights and are literally proud to be chattel.

  14. That's mainland Chinese pepper spray. It's much more potent than US manufactured pepper spray. We stopped selling pepper spray to Hong Kong. ???????

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