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  1. If I went to his store, I would buy the games I already have to help him and to help someone who is less fortunate to have some of the more expenisive games after buying the console. I hope Hong Kong will find a way through this mess and once more live in peace.

  2. They are called “protestors”! Their rights have been infringed upon by Beijing contrary to promises laid down years ago! Try taking your son or daughters cell phone or IPad away from them and see what happens to you!

  3. It's OK to protest…
    But its not good destroying others properties… They worked hard to build it…govt didn't gave them…so pls be kind….

  4. In other news police caught infiltrating protests and destroying a bank. When confronted by other protesters half the crowd pulled out guns. They were cops.

  5. This is bad but I can see that Police and Government of Hong Kong is more democratic than bigger Democratic countries. That's why Hong Kong is very top at Democracy.

  6. ??
    hongkong? taiwan?shigis turkistan ?xinjiang? tibet? mon'gol? dun'gan? manjur? dogu turkistan? juang zu?شىعىس تۇركىستان?macau? shang hai?
    east turkistan ??????

  7. Whatever protestation should bé done without distroying anything. A such behavior (riots) make the purpose of the protestations not credible at all
    I wish a lot of courage to the shop holder of the video.

  8. Hong Kong was much better under British rule. Ever since the CCP took over, there were 3 major protests. Commies need to go.

  9. I know they doing it to far but who is the one who make them like that? Why does Hong Kong government give there demand
    You don't need your pride because you are already dirty and filty

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