
在美国空袭中丧生的伊朗高级军事指挥官之后,全国各地城市的安全状况正在逐步提高。 。

  1. According to the Guardian newspaper through back-channel diplomacy the Trump administration is pleadings with the Iranian regime to go easy on them.Meanwhile, Iran claimed that the US had sent a note to Tehran through the Swiss embassy, which acts as an intermediary between the two foes, calling for a “proportional response” to the killing of Suleimani. “The Swiss, who represent US interests [in Iran], brought a very unwise message from the Americans, which received a firm response,” the foreign minister, Mohammad Javad Zarif, said on TV. “The Americans made a wrong move and are now worried about its consequences.”The deputy commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps , Brigadier General Ali Fadavi, said the US “resorted to such means as diplomacy this morning [Friday] and even told us ‘if you want to take revenge, do it in a way that’s proportional to what we did’.”“But they cannot decide anything [for us],” Fadavi added, according to the Iranian English-language news site Iran FrontPage. “That will take place at the most opportune time and in the best manner possible.

    “Soon we will see that the Americans will not be there in the region,” he said.

  2. Iran does not subvert my nation, unlike the Jешish Оссupiers in DС.
    Iranians didn’t opеn our bоrders in 1965, and Iranians are not turning American children into Drаg Queens.

    I welcome any and all Irаnian Invаders.

  3. No biggie…just most major US cities on high alert. So the Iranians will be deterred if we just post extra policemen around for a few days or a week or two. They would never think to wait a while until we just go back to acting like normal. So America is just supposed to be on "high alert" FROM NOW ON?! WTF?! We are now one big giant Israel? You elect a fucking megalomaniac moron and this is what you get people!!! Trump doesn't know what the fuck he is doing!!!!! He is faking it. A normal person would be bothered by that BUT NOT A SOCIOPATH. They don't have fear or empathy nor do they know when to stop.

  4. The U.S. population is being fooled once again. More boogeymen, more false flag operations, more wars. More countries are being played against each other in the Rothschild Luciferian New World Order.

  5. The only threat around here is my toilet, I just drop a couple of load & it smell like something died ??

  6. The shit America has to go threw while those stupid red hat restarts think trump going keep fighting he going run in his bunker and hide eating shrimp ? and ? lobster while we deal with the heat coming

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