
唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)在佛罗里达州迈阿密的国王耶稣国际部大型教堂中向成千上万的欢呼福音派支持者致辞,美国和伊朗之间的紧张关系已接近断裂点。

在祈祷之后,总统描述了美军如何“处决了恐怖领袖卡塞姆·索莱马尼”。 7:55

他说:“这是对恐怖分子的警告。”他补充说:“如果您珍视自己的生命,将不会威胁到我们公民的生命。” 9:05

唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)“终止”了伊朗将军卡塞姆·索莱马尼(Qasem Soleimani)“制止战争而不是发动一场战争”,因为纽约市市长警告说要袭击美国:

瞬间伊朗将军卡塞姆·索莱马尼(Qasem Soleimani)降落在巴格达后,立即被美国收割者无人机“撕成碎片”

唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)说,伊朗将为巴格达大使馆骚乱“付出高价”:美军前往中东





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  1. These people are as bad as the terrorists! No matter the religion! Religion has caused more trouble around the world than anything else. They really need to just let people choose free will.
    More to the point Trump is completely biased toward himself. The sooner he is gotten rid of the better. But he will win the next election through a combination of corruption and blindness of his base. Wake up guys and don't complain when you are all turned out of your homes.

  2. Hehe “the chosen one” the Jesuits and Zionists must be proud. After all the weather modification, the elimination of freedom fighters, the eradication of the middle class, the countless deception and lies…….Solomon’s temple will be demolished to make way for Zion’s reign. Wake up people

  3. I was born in the depths of the great depression, and remember well growing up
    during that time; and I remember the struggles of WW ll, followed by Korea and
    Vietnam, but when I watched this video with this president, I finally realized that
    there is no longer any hope for these United States. The amazing thing is the
    rapidity with which this has all occurred (past twenty years). What a shame.

  4. hypocrites. you are going to start a war away from american soil , people here are going to suffer more innocent lives will be in dangered you are safe and away from the chaos you brought here in the middle east and yet telling that the world now is safer.

  5. If God is with you who can be against you. Praise Jesus. But still don’t really agree with all of this, but they are worshiping God and Jesus, you’re allowed to pray for people, and when people pray for me I smile to. Praise Jesus

  6. Sigh why cant we just try to make the world a better place for future generations when will peoppe learn that a ww isnt a good format for peace im srry future generations for our mistakes im srry for making the world the way it is just bc we hated each others guts i just hope you all wont make our same mistakes

  7. I like Trump, I think he's one of those leaders in the world today who can handle the truth. The very un-PC way he deals with reality spokes volume of his character. No warning just plain threat. I'm from the Philippines by the way and we have a Filipino president who likes Trump and was banned by US democrat senators to travel to America.

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