
福克斯新闻社高级战略分析家杰克·基恩将军对美国空袭作出反应,这次空袭杀死了伊朗的古德斯部队领导人卡西姆·索里马尼。 #TheStory #FoxNews

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  1. Trump does what Bibi tells him to do, and Israel wanted Iraq & Iran destroyed. The real winner here is Israel. And USA taxpayers will keep providing Israel with the free healthcare and free college education that their own USA government tell them they can't afford because the military budget is grabbing all these funds to fight Israel's wars. Fools, when are you going to wake up.

  2. Why did 5 top Pentagon officials resign half december 2019? Coincidence? Nothing to do with the assassination of Soleimani? Trump’s militairy action is illigal. But no suprise, after all what do you expect from a criminal?

  3. Jimmy Carter and Bush and Bush and Clinton and Obama are the worst Presidents we ever had. Vengeance is mine says the Lord

  4. Obama give billions dollars to Iran? He was nothing but a traitor to the USA. The end of time is coming near folks and it's time to get right with God.

  5. Trying to remember who said that trump will start a war if he is impeached. Good try with distracting people of the fact you were caught using presidential powers for your personal use. You have just added more abuse of powers to your legacy

  6. Just an FYI you are still being suppressed from the Top News bracket in YouTube. I have to search "Fox News" to see your recent updates. I do not subscribe to any MSM channels to get input from all sources, but you guys are being blocked from the general news feeds.I get Boston Herald, WP, ABC, MSNBC, but no FOX!!

  7. USA neocons WANT Iran to attack, its part of Neocons plan, Bolton laughing all the way . So suddenly Iran is ISIS creators not USA's Hillary.

  8. Cheerleaders for war! We are plain stupid to be in the middle east in the first place. China is the smart one, they are getting oil dirt cheap from Iran without spending a dollar on defense! No wonder China is replacing America in the world, we ship all our good jobs to China, get Chinese immigrants and give them cheap oil. What do we get, we get to borrow money from China with interest to pay for these endless wars in the middle east. Does that sound like a smart nation?

  9. Like we're supposed to believe skinny Barry didn't know what they would do with all that cash. Man there sure are a lot of dumbies running around. Puckn A !

  10. I don't think Iran would dare to go on a full fledge war with the US. If they do, they'll be opening up opportunity for regime change. There's no one more than happy that US attacks Iran.. than half the population of Iran itself.

  11. Pres. George Bush invasion of Iraq created all this chaos in the Middle East he sits home oil painting while thousands suffer and die. All these ex generals are war hawks seeking to involve the US in yet another war. Remove all US troops from the Middle East.

  12. Even if Soleimani was not taken out, more Americans would have been killed, as Iran is trying harder to provoke the US to strike Iran, to try to get Iranians to support their failing Government.

  13. All those negative voices and i do not agree with none of them . Mike Moral get lost , you fools had and have no answers . Nobody knows what President Trump has in his arsenal , the media and former O adm. just tell lies make accusations and feed on assumptions !

  14. A few years ago, I read the book "6 Frigates". It completely changed my outlook on 3rd world countries that threaten other nations for ransom money.

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