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  1. The usual juvenile and puerile behavior from the black morons. The movement is over. You have lost. Why? Because the philosophy behind the movement was "Too young, too simple, and sometimes naive."

  2. I am not Chinese nor from China. I speak Mandarin and English, but not Cantonese. I have been a regular visitor to Hong Kong for business. If I go to Hong Kong now, will I be subjected to the same situation as this lady?

  3. if you wanna buy presents for your husband, just go ahead. Nobody is stopping you. Why wanna act hero and take pictures and try to preach HK people?

  4. Damn. I really don't know how ro conclude this.

    First of all I might be assertive but she looks very innocent to me. She probably just didn't aware of taking pictures during protest is an extremely suspicious behavior. She was fortunate that she only enraged a few protesters and able to get away without any injury. At worst she could be taken into custody by riot police. Still it is understandable that she guarded her phone after being asked to hand it over and deleting pictures. Her phone was likely to be smashed once it ever left her hand.

    The main reason I believe in her is in this video she looks helpless and seemling only hoping to get out unharmed. A true communist spy would behave like Fu Guohao, deliberately provoking protesters so the cameras will eventually end up catching protesters fighting him, causing reputation damage to the movement.

    Protesters also have every reason to distrust her. China places heavy civilian surveillance in Hong Kong so it is natural that Hong Konger are alerted to cameras. Plus the victim speaks Mandarin so people could easily get worried about her being another spy. If I were among them I may probably tried to grab her phone at any cost.

    The bottom line is Hong Kongers are living in deep fear under China's control, and that leads to something trival as a Chinese woman taking a picture in Hong Kong is enough to make surrounding people tremble. It is all China's fault (or possibly its goal all along) that Hong Kongers and Chinese ended up distrusting each other. People caught in this video are all victim of some tyrannous reign. I especially feel bad for the Chinese woman's misadventure, I really do.

  5. Why wearing masks? Because of the Chinese tyranny regime! HK youngsters are too nice and civilized. They don’t want to hurt anyone, they just want to protect themselves

  6. Xenophobic, lawless Hong Kong BASTARDS displaying the kind of society they want to make. You do not deserve "democracy" if this is how you behave. Hope fully more and more people will stay away from your mob-rule town and the economy goes even further down the sewer

  7. 別拿什麼美國做例了,美國平民都有槍,人家是開放槍權,香港跟英式,英國警不帶實彈去示威遊行場地的,麻煩見識多點再來說話。另外,大陸示威第一天都燒車斬警了,香港示威者半年都沒斬警,非常克制!

  8. She can't be that dumb or innocent to not realize taking peoples headshots in this situation was very suspicious. And the fact that she did not delete them as proof she wasnt trying to get them in trouble. I would be very angry if I was a protester. Shes making herself the victim , when she clearly went in to antagonize…it'll prob be on a ccp site showing how bad the protestors are.

  9. Dude. All rioters r wearing full black costume together with a full face balaclava. Why bothering about other people taking pics of u?

  10. She is just a tourist. The media are taking lots of video and pictures. Economic hardship is coming to Hong Kong. This video highlights criminal activity in Hong Kong.

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