


#GlobalNews #HongKongProtests。

  1. When you make a battle plan, think as much as you want. Think as much as you can. But when you demonstrate on the street, especially when you fight against the police, don't think! Follow your own intuition! Intuition is always right. If you can move that way, victory will certainly be yours!

  2. If you do not want to support the Chinese Banks or Businesses, simply DO NOT be their customer. Why do rioters insist on ruining their own new year. For those "reporters" filming, you still need to obey the law and move when instructed.

  3. They were also given the 'Star of David' badge to wear.Hong Kong holocaust will follow soon. Hong Kong is now most definitely a NAZI state.The strangest of all is those who support the NAZI Hong Kong police also got beaten ! I am not surprise Xi Jin Ping and Carrie Lam will be next because the Hong Kong police are in total madness beyond comprehension.

  4. These protesters aren't freedom fighters, they're vandals and terrorists! They're literally destroying the beautiful city I grew up in. Public transports are being destroyed, businesses being vandalized, innocent people being burned and seriously injured. What a joke!

  5. Listen to the ignorant lies and rubbish … Such a joke and shame to HK reputation … Now the world knows HK citizens are full of trash … Further proving HK Police to be more superior and professional than expected.

  6. CCP, be humane and rigeous, give Hong kong back their promised freedom, freedom of speech and expression and let them vote their own leader, not an appointed muppet like Lam!!

  7. Still protests are going on in Hong Kong while the extradition bill has been taken back. Now what they are demanding for.

  8. Spencer Qian 最无奈的是警察,面对疯狂愚昧的暴徒的暴力攻击,只能默默承受。。。97年到现在,深圳广州的GDP都超过了香港,澳门人均GDP上升到世界第二,一国两制有什么问题?中国做错了什么?大湾区最失败的就是香港!香港人不应该从自身找问题吗?

  9. Very pleased to see folk wearing protective helmets.

    Hong Kong males are providing traditional male protection from attack by CCP uniforms.

    Hong Kong women are providing support and morale leadership for folk to see and copy.

    Police are looking crestfallen and fatigued, they know they are fighting heroes and legends who will die for the cause.

    Central Planners of CCP in Peking are flummoxed by human action, whereas they are used to robotic obedience.

    Westerners can sense the growing stupidity of their own central planners and are buoyed by the vitality and courage of the Hong Kong population's struggle to be free of the heavy death hand, and increasingly fragile grip of the CCP.

  10. These 'live streams' are being censored…. All they ever show is the police standing around being filmed and photographed by the media. Where are the actual protesters?

  11. 最恐惧的人应该是警察,不能作为香港人为自由民主而抗争,也不敢逃跑,在金钱威逼下上街,怕被作为替罪羊,更怕卖港的罪名。回家也不敢睡个好觉。

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