







  1. Hong Kong police go rogue and breached the law of human rights again on Wednesday 01st January 2020. HK citizens were legally protesting which was granted by police themselves(for Carrie Lam increasing wages of police and commending then). More than 1 million people (protesters)on the street, the police also dressed as protesters, and made violent damages to HSBC banks from inside those shops(smashing glazing from the inside, so the shattered pieces falling outside onto the streets. Also burning machines of the shop). This was an act and excuse to cancel the protests half way, and gave 30 minutes for more than 1 million protestors to disperse. Those that couldn’t vacate already the streets, were terrorised by police shooting tears gas, rubbers bullets and water cannon. Also arresting more than 460 protester( Doctors, Observers and Firefighters⋯)that was on New Years 2020 in Hong Kong. So is that what you call CCP’ law and the One country two systems; today Hong Kong tomorrow Taiwan

  2. Folks, the rioters destroying the city are not Chinese, they're vietnames. This protest has nothing to do with democracy, it's a continuation of the 2014 Umbrella Movement. Democracy is just a tool they're using to overthrown the Govt and take over the city to install vietnamese politicians and claim it as their own. Think about it and do some investigation.

  3. No suprise. Distroying what there parents and grand parents build. They will give there own kid a 3 th world poor country. No tourist no money. I live in Honolulu and this years we top over 10 million tourist right now its full of Chinese & European and tourist. This was hong Kong tourist. About 50 thousand more. So thank you. They will come back next year and maybe every yr now. And they are big spender. That why Honolulu made 7% growth this year. Thank you Hong Kong

  4. Once again the rally has been called off by the police. The HKSAR Government has issued statement before saying Hong Kongers enjoy the freedom of assembly, but obviously it is not true. HK people has LOST the freedom of assembly and even freedom of press. One country two system is dead.

    Every country who stand with HK should act like US, initiate the Human Rights and Democracy Act to protect Hong Kongers, and to sanction those who harm the basic rights of Hong Kong people????

  5. More Violent? More human get burn? More human get stone to death? More human get beaten? More shop destroy? More train station on fire? FREEDOM 2020!!!!! Please spread to those country that support the move.

  6. Good one, keep going.
    People, the owner of the country, produce prosperity of country by doing work, so people are powerful enough to not using violence to make their will go through. Good day and year.

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