
据《人造卫星》报道,德黑兰在美国在巴格达国际机场的一次空袭中杀死了伊朗将军Qasem Soleimani数小时后,已将格鲁曼F-14雄猫战斗机部署到边境。
NBC新闻德黑兰事务局局长阿里·阿鲁兹(Ali Arouzi)在推特上说:“伊朗的F14战斗机在西方天空,警报和巡逻中进行机动。”
IIranian f14战斗机在西方天空,警报和巡逻机上进行机动。国家电视台

在其他相关新闻中,伊朗最高领导人阿里·哈梅内伊(Ali Khamenei)在一份声明中警告说,负责杀害一名伊朗最高将军的“罪犯”将面临“严重的报复”,而报复可能是一场区域战争。
国防分析师Babak Taghvaee发推文说,“伊斯兰革命卫队(IRGC)“已将其所有弹道导弹基地置于高度戒备状态。#IRGC附属伊斯兰政权的#IRGC附属新闻媒体声称,它们准备在多个空军基地发射导弹。在#UAE,#Qatar,#SaudiArabia和#Jordan托管#USAF飞机!”


该新闻由#IRGC附属新闻频道今天上午在社交媒体平台上发布。当来自#Tasnim News的H. Dalirian等来自#伊朗的记者联系#IRGC航天部队的发言人并向他询问这一消息时,他没有否认。


  1. Trump must be impeached soon as possible, if not this will cause chaos between nations since interest of other super powers will find this as one of the oppurtunity for them to their interest against U.S. Euronation atm is very quiet and watching whats gonna happen next.

  2. Shalom )

    These are just a few words that God has spoken to me…!

    My heart is fixed, O God, my heart is fixed: I will sing, yea, I will sing praises.
    Awake up, my glory; awake, psaltery and harp:
    I myself will awake right early. Psalm 57 : 7-8!

    Everything I said I will accomplish, My agenda will endure, and My Purpose will surround the planet with awakening and knowledge!

    My trumpets will sound, and the foundations of the earth will be shaken, the fog and smoke will rise, but My hand will protect.

    For thus saith Jehovah of hosts: Yet once, it is a little while, and I will shake the heavens, and the earth, and the sea, and the dry land; and I will shake all nations..
    Haggai 2 : 6 – 7

    Nations will rise, and nations will fall.

    I am shaking the economies of the earth even as I shook the ancient land of faraon.

    It is time to let My people go.

    I am standing up in the earth to overthrow principalities and subdue powers under Me, and you get to participate because you hear My voice and harmonize your spirit with My sound that is going out into all the earth.

    I am weighing nations in the scales of My purpose, and I will bring forth justice unto righteousness!

    He frustrateth the devices of the crafty, So that their hands cannot perform their enterprise. Job 5 : 12

    Conflicts and news of wars will emerge, and the Peace Plan is about to be released.

    I will reveal things kept hidden in all known and unknown areas, and the supernatural will show its power …!

    There will be discoveries and manifestations in heaven and on earth, which will be a deception to many, but those with light will know the truth!

    Chains will fall, from people and at every level of life, and many countries will be freed from slavery and control. I will release the captives in every possible area, and My justice will last!

    The economy of the world will be changed from the ground up, the return to the true values of gold and silver as well as real assets will change the current economy.

    Who doeth great things and unsearchable, Marvellous things without number!
    Job 5 : 9

    International agreements and My jubilee will surround the planet for my glorious Plan.

    An eruption of ideas, innovation and divine technology will change the roots of everything that exists today.

    I will fill the arenas and stadiums for My praise and glory!

    Every continent and country will be won for Me, as in heaven as well as on earth!

    My church will awaken from dogma, tradition and religiosity, in this era, it will know what it means to have an intimate and close relationship with Me!

    I do not only bring double into this era, I am almighty that My identity is infinitely glorious in giving and implementation without the limit of giving!

    With me, My children and the world will see and experience, a speed and an instant fulfillment adventure of what I have said.

    Ask Me, and I will make the nations your inheritance, the ends of the earth your possession.
    Psalm 2:8

    You are My royal priest and ruler, and you will reveal My ever-increasing glory in the earth.

    You are a key for the Church to awaken.

    You are a flame that will start the fires of revival in the places you are called to.

    He raiseth up the poor out of the dust, He lifteth up the needy from the dunghill, To make them sit with princes, And inherit the throne of glory: For the pillars of the earth are Jehovah’s, And he hath set the world upon them.
    1 Samuel 2 : 8

    Your life has been causing a – Kingdom Alliance, DNA, paradigm shift in your lineage.  You will be flabbergasted at My creative force in your life!

    You will see nations shift at the sound of your decrees.

    I have transferred all the power and glory and Revelation to you through the work of My full sacrifice at the cross on Golgotha!

    You will ascend into Me, and you will take on My image and My character.

    The high dimension for you this day is to love Me and know that you are loved in return with an everlasting love.

    You are more than a conqueror, so rejoice as I show you the battle plans of each day.

    You will drive out torment and set the c

  3. aptives free.

    You will fight Goliath and tear down strongholds and influence nations.

    You are different so be uniquely different from how others do throughout their day.

    You are a whole New Creation in Me!

    You are My Ambassadors.

    I Am using you for My Glory and Honor.

    You carry My Divine Mark an Seal.

    I strongly believe in you!

    You are My dream, become reality!

    You are My ROYAL CHILDREN!

    You have My Holy Spirit with unlimited potential for My Kingdom.

    My thoughts toward you number more than the sands on all the beaches of the world.

    My thoughts toward you number more than the stars in the cosmos.

    In all of this, I AM , there is not one sentiment found regarding you that falls outside of love.

    I am raising you up with deliverers and demonstrators of authority and power who will walk through life independent of the chains that greed has formed in the hearts of men.

    Whereby he hath granted unto us his precious and exceeding great promises; that through these ye may become PARTAKERS OF THE DIVINE NATURE…
    2 Peter 1 : 4

    I will give you many Royal sons and daughters!

    Like Jacob, you will bless your children leaning upon your staff.

    You are unique.
    You have a destiny.

    Your highest conquests and greatest victories is in front of you!

    You are My beloved son, and I love to spend time with you.

    I love to fill you and lead you with My presence.

    Where you go today, I go with you. What you face, I face with you.

    The template of transformation I work from in your life is – as I am so are you in the earth.

    I respond to your words and thoughts of faith on the inside of you that will move the mountain and closing the portals of the evil one and bring you into the place where everything you say and do becomes as effective as if I said it or did it.

    I will make even your enemies to be at peace with you.
    I will move your enemies far off from you and surround you with favor as with a shield.

    But ye are a elect race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God’s own possession, that ye may show forth the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvellous light!
    1 Peter 2 : 9

    You are a Blessing to those that I send you to.
    Those who will stand by you and work with you will be blessed through you.

    You get to have it all through Me!

    You have a warring spirit within you.

    The horizons of My purpose stretch endlessly before you.

    Abundance is the base line for all that I do in your life.

    I am placing full power into your heart to accept nothing less than the total annihilation of the works of darkness in your life and around you!

    Know that you are On My ROCK and are truly immovable.

    My Kingdom is on the inside of you, and it is lending itself to you every day, always causing you to triumph and to come out on top in every situation.

    I will open for you doors that no man can shut!

    Rejoice, for I am working with you to will and to do My good pleasure.

    You think about My secrets and what lays ahead, and I will tell and reveal to you.

    You are the favored son of the Monarch of heaven!

    Luxuriate in the measureless faith I have accorded you.

    Your hopes and dreams have generated a demand upon the inventories in glory.

    Your desires and aspirations have tugged upon My heart of compassion.

    I delight to see you taking full advantage of what I died to make available.

    The angels in heaven shake with anticipation and excitement when the aroma of your faith reaches the ramparts of the throne.

    You are a world changer and a Kingdom warrior.

    Your decrees will bring about a great Unlocking of My plans and purposes that have been waiting for this appointed time. 

    Through Me, you will be more powerful than any earthly force can reckon with.

    You are My Chosen and Called.

    I will feed you with My vitality, strength and Edenic life..!

    Your life will be a crown of glory, and I will cause the princes of the earth to bow down to you as a son to a father he loves.

    The character of My Lordship, strains in the traces of your humanity!

    From within you, I send the resonance of My presence into every setting

  4. you enter.

    You have become completely unafraid of what man might say.

    My DNA pulses in the very depths of your spirit.

    I delight when you feel just how far I am willing to go to bless you.)

    I am your God and you are My beloved child, fashioned by My hand for the fulfillment of destiny.

    No one will stop what I have ordained in your life.

    You are my poem!

    You are sitting at My table.

    You always have a private audience with Me any day, any night and any moments!
    My Answer has already been released.

    My Glory surrounds your circumstances!

    You are My Sovereign loved child!

    The blood of Christ shed on the Cross made you a mighty prince in the earth!

    You are a mighty army!

    There are cities and nations with your name on them readying themselves for your arrival to shake it for the king of glory and usher in revival.

    You will stand, representing the King of kings, before the kings of the earth and they will desire your wisdom and input in a matter.

    You know who you are.

    I have dipped the quill of My sovereignty into the ink of My limitlessness in your behalf.

    You are My full and maximum creation!

    You are My habitation on the earth!

    I say, you are "Elohim" among the Elohim.

    I am sending you with My Power anointed into the earth that will command nations and shake the kingdoms of the world to their foundations.

    I am lettering your highest desires on the leaves of your heart that they might spring forth fully formed in your circumstance in every aspect.

    I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13

    You know that all things are possible in Me!

    I am buttressing and protecting you by clothing you with Myself.

    Tsunami waves of glory are headed your way!

    I will render to you a myrillion-fold in the earth and universe!

    Yes, I have put My KEYS in your mouth, and together we will unlock the hearts of nations.

    I am encoding My DNA and the genome of My substance into your physical body, your mind, and your spirit. 

    You have My KEYS in your mouths and with them you will bind, loose, decree, and release My Kingdom.

    Even now, My harvesters are being positioned, for I will have a harvest, and together we will inherit the nations of the earth.

    You are Priceless My beloved!!

    My mind is made up to bless you.

    I am pouring Myself into you and surrounding you with favor as with a shield.

    You are my masterpiece.

    I am about to do exceedingly abundantly more than you can ask for or think!!)

    The doors and opportunities that I has been preparing for you no power of darkness or man can stop them.

    Extreme Favor, Exponential Increase, Explosive Blessings, Exciting Mega Open Doors, Extraordinary Miracles are coming to you!!

    You are my greatest Joy!

    I will widen your sphere of influence with no limits!

    For I am about to dress you in royal robes and place My signet ring upon your finger.

    You are about to be made unstoppable representatives of the Kingdom of Heaven! 

    You skine like a brilliance of a Mirillion diamonds!

    My Kingdom is extending its strength, life, and vitality to everything you touch.

    You will rule as a principality and a power in the earth and universe always!!

    You write, history for me through YOUR destiny!

    Victory is My bond and your assurance from My hand.

    You will be victorious, today and forever.

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