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  1. Horrible Schumer and Pelosi are demanding witnesses (people who were trying to help Trump do a good job for the USA) so they could jail them too just like they did to the people who worked for trump when Mueller jailed them for making errors under questioning. It is possible that everyone would become afraid to work for Trump because of the attacks by Pelosi and Schumer. It is Pelosi and Schumer who should be impeached for destroying a president that the people elected.

  2. Pompeo has wanted regime change in Iran for the longest and has made no secret of it. This strike has his DNA all over it and I'm sure it was easy to persuade a besieged and desperate trump to give the OK. The (R) party has shown, most notably " Moscow Mitch ", in the most egregious manner, their despicable levels of corruption, incompetence, hypocrisy, terrorist and treasonous ways. The (R) party is a waste of political oxygen and the taxpayers money….they do not deserve to legislate for our great nation. Let us do our civic duty and vote them out in 2020, it will benefit both our country and the world.

  3. The only thing that's holding up the articles of impeachment is you, McConnell, because you declared that you won't be impartial and you won't allow witnesses. You know that if witnesses testify you won't be able to just dismiss it.

  4. Excuses Excuses, Moscow Mitch does what he does best………..Spouts outTrump Propaganda. This CREEP will get off side if it blows up into a war, along with other cowardly Republican war dogs, who haven't the guts to put on a uniform, just like the idol FOREST TRUMP.

  5. If you listen to both sides you will understand who is in the wrong. Chuck Schumer wants to presume faults on the senate and the president. Mitch McConnell wants to receive the articles hear the evidence then make a decision on witnesses and documents. It’s so obvious Chuck Schumer is corrupt. They are never going to be satisfied. If you don’t have evidence you don’t have a case. Lol Joe Biden brags on a major network about his wrong doings and we are listening to these democrats. Trump 2020 no question. If you don’t like the rules go vote we do.

  6. McConnell vs. Schummer. And the winner is? Schummer, democracy, and the American people. No witnesses or documents, then no trial and hold McConnell in contempt of Congress??????????????????????????????

  7. oh let me tell you why Mitch McConnell says that they personally know each other on the other side because they're personally related to each other you know like bloodlines so yeah they would be close to each other on the other side

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