
伊朗承诺为其最高军事领导人卡塞姆·索莱马尼将军的死进行报复。美国在巴格达的一夜空袭中杀死了将军。参议员林赛·格雷厄姆(Lindsey Graham)表示,他在佛罗里达州与特朗普总统打高尔夫球时曾听说过罢工计划,但众议院议长南希·佩洛西(Nancy Pelosi)表示,最高国会领导人未得到事先通知。 CBS新闻政治通讯员Ed O’Keefe加入CBSN讨论。 。

  1. Pelosi the Speaker who truly is an idiot.. Iranian Christians are praising God for Trump… their emails sent to Kenneth Copeland ministry describing how the people feel… Hallelujah, thank you Jesus..

  2. I think Trump did the right thing as far as not pre-notifying congress. For the most part the anti-American Democratic congressional leaders have proven again and again they cannot be trusted to not leak info which we know would compromise the safety of our service people.

  3. The Democrats will miss General Soleimani, they consider Soleimani a great leader in the war to remove Trump. Soleimani and the Democrats have one great passion they share their hatred of Trump. Soleimani, a Muslim, and the Democrats hate Christians and Jews.

  4. Just got the fear factor letter regarding roe v wade. Is Nancy really the devout catholic she professes or team satan that killing 800,000 children per year

  5. Pelosi and all of the other deep state operatives should keep their pie holes shut. They are always piping up about what they perceive as the wrongs America has done to other countries, but fight hard to cause deconstruction, terrorist infiltration, and crimes that they facilitate, on our own soil.

  6. Pelosi is useless and needs to get out of politics and getting into something she is more suited for like…..working at McDonald's? ??

  7. It's not a fight on the battlefield it's murder.A man taken out assassination,whacked just because he's not inside a Russia or China.You US are using the poorest in the world for target practice with your new technologies and I don't like it.You abuse exploitation of human beings and your disgusting.You even torture and behind torture is a psychopath who thinks it's funny ,no it's not.

  8. Nancy Pelosi and her goon squad of Democrats will do everything possible to ensure American citizens are left totally defenseless as they're being taken prisoner from an invading country

  9. Who is Pelosi in this decision making? What is this another grim announcement from Schumer? When is Schiff going to make another heroic timing? Where are the Democrats?

  10. Trump is clinging to an international conflict to prevent impeachment…. Iran is not Venezuela…. Trump sees no further than himself and is taking America to a point of no return…. Challenging a culture that seeks death as a pathway to glory is not wise at all….

  11. Melhor matar um ditador para evitar milhões de mortes a longo prazo…esse povo mata a prestação milhões de pessoas, são maus….E essa mulher ainda defende ?Não tem amor a sua pátria….

  12. Keep poking a bear with a sharp stick and you will find out that a wire mesh cage will not hold him back neither will ABC, NBC, CNN news will be able to stop him from killing you. Dems get it together now.

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