
预计特朗普总统将同意与中国达成一项协议,该协议可能会缓解长达17个月的贸易战的影响。该协议是更广泛贸易协议的“第一阶段”,将暂停对原定于周日开始的1600亿美元中国进口商品的新一轮关税。哥伦比亚广播公司新闻的姜伟佳(音译)加入白宫新闻中心,并获得白宫的详细信息。 。

  1. Funny how he was berating China and say how they suck now it’s close to reelection he’s trying to make a deal to help his campaign?smh?

  2. China is growing very arrogant , they need opposition …… When they are busy with US , south east Asian countries Sigh in peace …..

  3. China deal with me!no deal with USA India Burma or Bangladeshi .or jew .
    I have ten thousand crore usd$ business plan ,Bangladesh present illegal govt her misgovern used my business plan and help to return my money from terrors group case no -433,terrors name Md.Humayan kabir kokon and Abul kalam azad and there family and employees ,
    Mosarraf Hossain Bhyan (MA MBA)

  4. We keep hearing this "ckose to agreenebt" line many times already while China either denies the same thing or downplays "progress"…I'm much more able to believe Chinese over liar Drumpf.

  5. Let potus renegotiate on his terms the only potus who has stood up to china to the disapproval of shifty shift and now that headway is being made he's trying to drive the bus typical weak minded move.

  6. This doesn't pass the smell test. I'm pretty sure there is a Trump quid pro quo and bribery involved. The Trump crime family is the winner here.

  7. Cadet Bone spurs has proven over and over he cannot be trusted. He's a pathological liar, con man and a crook out only for himself. It will all eventually catch up with Trump in a big way.

  8. The biggest issue with the IP's needs to be solved. Makes it a real pain for independent entrepreneurs looking for affordable manufacturing options because they can't do anything about it if they send over blueprints for a product and it gets counterfeited. Horror stories like that all over the place. It's sad.

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