
成百上千的人在德黑兰的街道上游行,焚烧国旗并高喊反美。口号是在美国对巴格达的空袭中丧生数小时后,伊朗精锐的Quds Force司令兼中东地区军事影响力建设者Qassem Soleimani丧生的。




  1. I’m glad their anger is towards the American leaders and not all of the American citizens! It’s only right. I’m just praying for peace ??

  2. "All of them should be killed." Oh that's funny, because the country that is proclaimed as the most religious country in the world, wants to kill innocent lives as well. K.

  3. I hear that as soon as these idiots make a move there will be 52 Very large explosions as payback for the1979 hostage crisis. This is a lot like pulling off a band-aid… it's just something that needed to be done a long time ago.?

  4. Your acting like they haven't been chanting death to America and burning flags for the last 40 years. I'm ashamed to be canadian and I'm ashamed of our government who wants to turn Canada into a socialist hell hole.

  5. He was saying this before the general died. Must be Karma…. " Americans can have no peace throughout the world" You guys are clearly the baddies, and defending this group makes you a terrorist…like defending antifa.

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