




  1. Taiwaneses are brainwashed by the lies of the anti-china propaganda of Taïwan DPP government who always obey to the USA as its dog. Shame on taiwaneses, so stupid and naive, so easy to brainwash.

    Hong Kong is manipulated by the USA, check the article of french journalist Bruno Guigue.

  2. China can claim that Taiwan is theirs (afterall they are a manipulative bitch)….But one thing for sure, Taiwan girls are WAY HOTTER AND PRETTIER than China girls. Just sayin, China girls are nowhere close taiwan girls standard 🙂

  3. No suprise. Distroying what there parents and grand parents build. They will give there own kid a 3 th world poor country. No tourist no money. I live in Honolulu and this years we top over 10 million record tourist right now its full of Chinese & European and tourist. This was hong Kong tourist. About 50 thousand more. So thank you. They will come back next year and maybe every yr now. And they are big spender. That why Honolulu made 7% growth this year. Thank you Hong Kong

  4. Eisenhower said conventional military actions will no longer serve the needs of the state. Any actions henceforth must be convert and insidious. Congratulatory message to the Hong Kong nicompoops. Happy New year you half wits!

  5. Last May I was in Taiwan having a vacation. One day I was with a tour guide and shortly discussed about China and Taiwan. He said: "When mainlanders come, Taiwanese girls have hard time walking…"
    I bet the young interviewee felt the same.

    PS. Back then, the tour guide also mentioned that if election was held then and there, KMT would have surely won. The HK turmoil that erupted in June must have been a calculated intervention by the CIA to thwart Taiwan election.

  6. its funny because a huge amount of taiwanese youth goes to mainland for work after they graduate. taiwan's economy is a joke under tsai. people have to work harder and longer hours to maintain the same standards of living as wages haven't raised while cost of living shooting up year over year. these youngsters won't get the importance of the economy before they even touch the job market.

  7. If Taiwan wants nothing to do with china why does china intervene .

    China already got a big pice of cake and another larger cake from the South China Sea .

  8. Most of the Austrians and Swiss are ethnically Germans. But they have their own country, their own culture and they not afraid that Germay conquer them to destroy their democracy

  9. Vote for taiwan unification with the motherland for economic reform n future generation survival,the westerner r all flocking to china,why not the taiwanese,kaki get first preference,same language,same blood actually blood brother.n all yr ancestors r buried in the motherland.

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