




  1. Once again the march has been called off by the police. The HKSAR Government has issued statement before saying Hong Kongers enjoy the freedom of assembly, but obviously it is not true. HK people has LOST the freedom of assembly and even freedom of press. One country two system is dead.

    Every country who stand with HK should act like US, initiate the Human Rights and Democracy Act to protect Hong Kongers, and to sanction those who harm the basic rights of Hong Kong people????

  2. In Singapore we are celebrating NYE with fireworks in Marina Bay. In Hong Kong they do it with protest and possibly riot! Thank you Singapore government for keeping us safe.

  3. Let me predict…starts off peacefully…then rioters come start smashing things, police then come and fire tear gas. Protesters then cry why, it was a peaceful rally.

  4. When given ONE inch.. don't ask for one yard.!

    YOOOOO.! UNiCuNt PeGaSus.. Mr nobody who wants to be a SENATOR.. Senator Arapaapa and last and not least Steven aSs.!
    WHAT SAY YOU.? COME AND SPIN for my toe to laugh.!

  5. They can fight for any freedom they want as long as they are not violating other people's freedom. That's the definition of real freedom and democracy supposed to be. Right now these cockroaches are violating innocent citizens' freedom to make a living. They are violating other people's freedom of safety. Freedom from vandalism. Freedom from voicing different opinions. (For instance, they doused gasoline onto an old folk and burned him alive when he disagreed with them. That's fascism.)
    They are not fighting for freedom. They're terrorising the entire city. Most people that used to support them at the beginning are now sick of them !

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