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  1. I agree with the protester's objections, but not the tactics. There are more civilized ways of voicing concerns. Even in socialist country. But the Chinese should also allow the protests, and not send in cops to protect property, as long as the protesters promise to be orderly, although it looks like it would be tough to get the protesters to make promises. There isn't much control, it seems. It takes both sides to give. Also, adopting free speech and other freedoms in a democracy would give what the protesters want.

  2. Let's get some logic here:

    – HK ranked 3rd in "The Human Freedom Index 2019" by Fraser Institute based in Canada.


    – Rioters believe there is no freedom in HK, then how is it possible for HK to be in the 3rd rank worldwide?

    – Rank 3rd obviously means lots of freedom, even way above Singapore (rank 30) or Malaysia (rank 106).

    – Rioters see China as evil, then why China even lets HK's freedom rise to the top? Doesn't make sense, right?

    – So when these rioters declare they're fighting for freedom, it's actually a total insult for people in many other countries which are truly fighting for freedom.

    – If these dumb rioters have ever visited other countries, they may realize how lucky to be hongkongers, and start appreciating the freedom they have been taken for granted all this long.

  3. Riot on Christmas Day ??

    Godverdomme !! These rioters don't have religion at all !!

    On Christmas day christian go to church and celebrate at home with family. Other religions respect Christmas and won't do riot on this holy day.

    So what kind of people are these rioters? Atheist? Hypocrites?

  4. People saying " the police are to weak or nice allowing this to happen for 7 months" shut up
    the hong kongers are just to fed up and won't give up that easy you idiots. They would rather die than be enslaved by china.

  5. Hkroachs days are numbered. The size of the Hkroach is shrinking every day. They don't last for long when HK frozen all the CIA funded bank accounts.

  6. "Our fight has not end yet, we should continue our fight" What she really means is, "Our puerile, juvenile, sissy-fit has not end yet, we should continue our puerile, juvenile, sissy-fit." The protesters and rioters are "Too young, too simple and sometimes naive."

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