
富国银行投资研究所(Wells Fargo Investment Institute)市场策略主管保罗·克里斯托弗(Paul Christopher)和ButcherJoseph的首席投资官南希·滕格勒(Nancy Tengler)共同参加了“ Squawk Alley”,讨论市场以及贸易如何影响股票。 。

  1. Merry Christmas USA with abundance of farm produce on table and billions and billions of dollars earned from trade war with China and billions paid for by China. Now go asked orange head where's the billions earned?

  2. The economy has been hurting for decades. 70, 000 factories closed and moved to China. This is a 10 year trade war spanning multiple administrations. Get used to it and adapt. It's a geo-strategic war, which if USA looses, the west will fade into historical irrelevance over coming decades and be overrun by China's expansion and militarisation which is happening now, not next year or next decade. Everything is on the table here. 30 years of trade imbalance has contributed to this debacle, in addition to wide spread massive global intellectual property theft. Trump had little option to plug this massive drain, as western civilisation was heading down the gurgler, because all past western administrations, dug this hole deeper every time by their impotent inaction and miserable lack of business savvy.

  3. When you're have a trade war with other countries and you still trying to believe that your own economy won't get hurt??!! You've got a serious problem with your brains!

  4. Investors: "Deal or No deal?"

    Trump playing coy: "umm, I don't know. I'll let you know after my buddies enter their trades once again. Stay tuned."

    With Larry Kudlow as Trump's right hand man, I believe there is legal ground for the SEC (or CNBC) to investigate possible insider trading involving members of the Trump administration… I mean, they're going after Elon Musk for the same kind of speculative tweets.

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