'升级&#39 ;?美国的空袭杀死了伊朗指挥官MSNBC


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  1. “Soleimani was an enemy of the United States. That’s not a question. The question is this — as reports suggest, did America just assassinate, without any congressional authorization, the second most powerful person in Iran, knowingly setting off a potential massive regional war?”  ~Sen. Murphy, Senate Intelligence Committee

  2. Trumpoline foreign policy:  A whole bunch of jumping up and down, waving the arms all about, kicking and screaming, that wears one down and goes absolutely nowhere.  But beware when that dirty dog starts wagging it's toxic tail to cover the stink coming out its behemoth butt!

  3. What traitor-trump did by assassinating the Iranian General and is still doing in threatening to attack further is clearly a war-crime, and pursued illegally at that (by not briefing both sides of the aisle in Congress BEFOREHAND)!

    Worse yet is the real reason he did this war-causing heinous act and why he is BLATANTLY LYING about the "intelligence" rationale.

    IT IS OBVIOUS that traitor-trump is desperately attempting to redirect the narrative away from his multiple impeachment crimes, and the delayed TRIAL because of his and McConnell's clear attempt to rig it without documents and/or fact witnesses that traitor-trump blocked to OBSTRUCT JUSTICE, over and over again. Traitor-trump and his GOP-enablers know that if the truth comes out FULLY in a Senate trial, and even if not convicted, traitor-trump and the enablers can kiss re-election goodbye, BIGLY!

    IT's the TRUTH that traitor-trump still seeks to hide away from voters.

    And, now with reporting of traitor-trump's open threat to commit further war-crimes if Iran retaliates is NOT actually who he is threatening. Traitor-trump is directly threatening OUR ENTIRE JUSTICE SYSTEM HERE, by implicitly daring the democrats not to put him in deeper LEGAL JEOPARDY or he will trigger a bigger war in response!

    Traitor-trump is behaving exactly like what any SICK RABID ANIMAL TRAPPED IN A CORNER WOULD DO TO ESCAPE!

    ESCAPING LEGAL ACCOUNTABILITY FOR HIS CRIMES is traitor-trump's ultimate goal and rationale for having committed this war-crime! IT's actually an ultimate "quid-pro-quo deal" that traitor-trump is looking to make. In short, what PSYCHOPATH, CRIMINAL-MINDED, TRAITOR-TRUMP IS DOING IS warning the Democrats (and our entire Justice System), "give me a pass on Impeachment, or else face WWIII", and he would then try to blame the Democrats for it all.

    Always keep in mind that traitor-trump is a "transactional" maniac, the "quid-pro-quo" man to go to when you want to rip-off the entire Country and World for that matter. This is all more proof positive that traitor-trump is a CRIMINAL-MINDED WANNABE DICTATOR AND A TRULY DANGEROUS PSYCHOPATH!


  4. A mainstream media whenever you guys add this kind of dramatic music then you are basically revealing your hands. What would be the purpose of adding this music to a news piece? Why would you want to add emotion to a story that doesn’t require it? What are your goals?

  5. That Iran does nothing about the killing of its general is not even conceivable. The least that could be done is to have Iraq remove the States from its borders. As for a military campaign, maybe not by Iran per se, but by factions that were close to the general. Also, nothing has been said about the other Iraqi general that was killed as well. Will Iraq respond to the death of its general, this is still unknown.

  6. We moved from a nuclear deal with Iran where the prosperity was creating more opening to Democratic ideas among the young, to the threshold of war. This for no reason other than to one-up my predecessor. Americans wake up! We are lead by a juvenile terrible child!

  7. MELANIA TRUMP will be so proud of her son now he's going to be a solder along with his siblings . Just like all the other Mums and dads they can share with you the worry for your children . Something Trumps father never did

  8. How Trump thinks: Killing Soleimani would bring him three benefits. 1) Making impeachment look insignificant and irrelevant, 2) Assuring his reelection, and 3) Matching or outdoing Obama's hit on Ben Laden. All three are centered on him, without any knowledge of global strategy, and without any consideration for Americans' security.

  9. Some people will fall for the lies,and defend this ,but America has been terrorizing the whole planet through our recent history,we the sheep are just caught up in this,I wonder what the payback will be ,for this ?

  10. Soleimani had been waiting for this day for years. Trump did the best for him. Now in Iran everything has changed. The American people will not be targeted. We are not Americans. We are not racist. For us, everyone's life is worth the same. The price of Suleiman blood will be America's exit from the Middle East. With or without war. You will continue to suffer from Trump and his decisions, but outside the Middle East. Iran does not even need to fire a bullet. Trump did the best for us. He made Soleimani a legend like Cyrus the Great.

  11. Well as America’s we need to come to terms with the fact that our president is a dictator haphazardly wielding his power like a weapon without even understanding all of the consequences. Exposing our military and other government people like ambassadors and embassy staff. Loose canon in our whites house HELLOOOOOOOW?
    We must now be willing to demonstrate in our cities and in DC!

  12. This is all being driven by the British conscripting the US into fighting London's old traditional Mideast rivals, Russia/Ukraine, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Libya, etc, and their oiligarchy. It's Orwell's Oceana. They outrank Trump. "Let's you and him fight." This is deep state doublespeak from MI-6. The deep state is out of control, gone rogue. Let the Royals parade around in their ridiculous costumes without us. Sir Henry is a British agent.

  13. So, who did Trump share his decision to strike against the Iranian Major General with ? Not the Congress as he should have so maybe his family and his Billionaire buddies ? Why would he do that ? Because there was billions to be made and lost as a consequence of it… "Oil Prices Surge, Stocks Slip After Death of Iranian General" ( https://www.voanews.com/economy-business/oil-prices-surge-stocks-slip-after-death-iranian-general ). A full forensic accounting of all major stock transactions should be done, focussed on Trump's family and associates targeting the times that Trump's actions have caused wild swings in the market …

  14. Iran going to get blowed up lol
    This ain’t that weak Obama Iran had dealings with
    This is Donald Trump man with a plan
    America military will destroy Iran in one week

  15. Simply by touching, King Midas can turn rock to Gold. King Trump can too, but turn peace to violence.。。。 GET RID OF TRUMP!!!GET RID OF TRUMP !!!

  16. For years the United States had convinced the mideast countries that they should not get nuclear weapons. That They could trust us to keep the peace. We were like the mature adults in the world, benevolent & level headed. Now though…with trump in office, we can not be trusted….we have a toddler running the show who cares only about be adored & revered. If anyone insults him…..or if Putin whispers an instruction…..he's unpredictable. So now what would you do if you were a small country like Iran or north Korea? Be at the mercy of this madman? No! They will all get their own nukes ASAP. They must! They can't have their countries security subject to the whims of an egomaniac, a cult leader who's self delusions have no bounds. All thx to Americas uneducated base who picked an unqualified president because they liked his TV show.

  17. Fake New Fake Wars keep the sheep distressed and asleep remember what's up is down what's down is up! You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. Then God ordered Daniel to shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many will run to and fro and knowledge will increase! Do not fall for Satan's lies and deceit remember Satan is a lier and a master at Deceiving!! Trust God he's got this under control and he Loves Us!

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