




  1. The youth withthe hammer damaging the shop front can easily be recognised . He is wearing glasses. Surely the police can trace him.i hope he is arrested and put in jail by now

  2. Their actions obviously tell that they can no longer be called as protesters. Instead we should use the term rioters and criminals

  3. China is running out of foreign currency reserve, and many banks are going bankrupt at the moment, and the communist party leaders are running abroad with a lot of money that are stolen from the people. They just used "Communism" to steal money from the people.
    The end of communists is near.

  4. 呢D所謂市民, ,有人破壞搞事唔去管, 唔反對,唔遣責,警察做嘢就諸多刁難??, 唔支持不 特止, 仲要指手劃腳, 阻差辦工, 真係荒謬兼討厭?????

  5. If Hong Kong were really a place without freedom, how the heck could these mindless low-lives go on rioting and vandalizing for months on end? I suppose the only type of freedom they lack is financial freedom.

  6. Why you call them protesters? These Hong Kong thugs are pure criminals regarless of where they are. If they commit the same crimes in your home town, would you still call them protesters?

  7. The damned idiots must be confronted head-on as they only understand one thing and that is FORCE. The full police force must be brought to bear in order to liberate HK from these louts.

  8. HK police need to start shooting these violent destructive out of control domestic terrorist criminals.
    ENOUGH!! 6.5 months they continue because they know there are no consequences. Shoot them so they will know rioting will get you killed

  9. So these "democracy protesters" are going around randomly smashing store windows, putting metal balls on the floor so innocent civilians will slip, fall, and injure themselves? What does this have to do with the government, police, or democracy? Let's face it, their actual behavior is anti-democracy; they should have the guts to be honest and call themselves what they are: anti-democracy rioters.

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