
在过去的几个月中,制造业职位一直在缓慢下降,制造商面临着特朗普贸易战带来的越来越多的不确定性。这发生在锈带州,恰好与特朗普在2016年获胜所需的州相同。由于看不到尽头,他的贸易战将持续存在并继续使人们失去工作,这可能最终使总统失去工作。 《 Ring of Fire》的Farron Cousins解释了发生了什么。










唐纳德·特朗普继续告诉我们,工作,工作,工作,工作,工作正大量涌入美国。经济正在向那里踢出去。上周一,股市创下历史新高。他告诉我们,伙计,一切对美国工人来说都是美好的,当然,对于那些发现自己的工作正在消失的实际美国工人来说,那恰好是生锈地区的工人,这是最困难的地区受唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)的贸易战打击,也恰好是允许唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)在2016年获得选举优势并成为美国总统的地区。但这是事实。自八月以来,该国的制造业工作机会就消失了。现在,在此之前,他们在保持稳定或略有增长方面做得相当不错。但是随着特朗普贸易战的进行,你在俄亥俄州,宾夕法尼亚州,威斯康星州和密歇根州拥有所有这些钢铁厂,钢铁厂和其他制造厂。突然之间,他们无法跟上。贸易战对他们来说变得太多了。他们的前途未卜,实际工作所需的商品成本不断上升。那他们做了什么?他们已经在唐纳德·特朗普为了赢得2020年而必须赢得的那些生锈地区削减了数万个工作,现在我们之前已经讨论过。我们在中西部还有其他国家,即大农业国,这些国家由于特朗普的贸易战而损失了很多钱。因此,在唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)的政策下,您已经对中西部地区感到re然。您的防锈带也使成千上万没有工作的人卷土重来。分析人士说,这是100%,因为贸易战和贸易战造成的不确定性。所以这是问题,选民会记得吗?我们距离选举还不到一年?就目前而言,他的贸易战无处不在。他仍然没有进行这些谈判。他派往中国的代表团空手而归。然后唐纳德·特朗普在推特上发了一些东西来冒犯中国人,然后他们又完全离开了餐桌。然后,我们重新开始整个过程​​。就在最近六个月中,这已经发生了好几次。是的,这场贸易战没有尽头。我们将继续失去工作。我们将越来越接近衰退。但是,再次,选民会记得谁对他们这样做吗?是唐纳德·特朗普。唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)是制定这些贸易政策的人。他是实行关税的人。那是他的决定,也是他的决定。我希望选民确保自己记得,明年当他们参加民意调查时,特朗普对你这样做了,更糟糕的是,他每隔几天就会在Twitter上发一次话,以撒谎说明你当年他的经济状况如何是受他的经济政策影响最大的人。

#rof #trofire #theringoffire #progressivenews。

  1. Trump will get second term when the super delegate (DNC) rigged primary hand picks the living dead: BIDEN! Go down in shame DNC.

  2. Preserve, Protect and Defend THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES !!! The Ultimate Sacrifice of our Heroes & Patriots & Our Grieving Military Families will Always be in our Hearts & Prayers and their blood is not for sale !! Our immediate and most dangerous situation is that Trump continues as President and Chief of our Armed Services. It has been investigated and verified by all of our Intelligence Agencies & NATO Allies, that Russia' (Putin) did attack and is influencing & undermining the Election Process in the United States !! The United States Adversaries are attentively evaluating and will continue to focus on Suckaberg's $$$$$$$ Russian weaponized media, to Elect and legislate in our Country !!! The Congress must divert urgent attention and funds to defend and respond to these threats. Stop wasting Billions on Nuclear weapons and War Games!!! The World has enough NUKES to turn Mother Earth into a RADIOACTIVE WASTELAND !! Not even a dictator wants to turn into a heap of fuming ashes !! The Majority of the American people do not have the time between holding 2 jobs , child care , caring for our elderly to investigate the Conspiracy and Obstruction .!!!!. Elected Officials abusing our own Constitution and Justice System to protect Traitors !!!! Pray that God gives our Generals and Others around the President, the moral strength as Patriots to Guard and Protect our Country !!!! By the way, where is Trump getting all this extra money to pay for these multi-million dollar Constitutional Attorney Firms ???? God Bless America, Mother Earth, our sick, our elderly, ,our families with children thrown to the streets by the greed of our Banks & Wall Street, the working poor, our citizen immigrants, our Unions, our Heroes and Patriots. Putin & his Billionaire Russian Oligarchs , Billionaire Pedofile International Club have been and are currently laundering money in the United States.. Just ask Trump & Co. which has been financed throughout the last 30 Years !!! Multiple Bankruptcies including Casinos !!! Of his own making, President Trump's greediness has left him with only 2 choices; chemical poisoning of his family by Putin or Prison !! The GOP & NRA received millions for the Trump Campaign disbursement from Russian Oligarchs. The NRA has 10 Million members, Trump has 30 Million followers, and the rest of the 230 million American citizens must VOTE these Traitors and Co-Conspirators out of Office and into Prison.!!. America has millions of working poor in prison who couldn't afford expensive attorney firms like Trump & Associates.!! The 1% Billionaires received 2 TRILLION tax cuts, while 18 years later the 911 first responders are dying while waiting for GOP to fund their healthcare !!!. These Casino Prostitutes in Congress and the House are bought and paid for by parasite lobbyist yelling from atop their Billion $$$$ Corporate Socialist Platforms against Democratic Socialism for our children, our elderly the sick and our poor. Our Constitution and Federal Anti Trust Act, Money Laundering and the Rico Act will take care the Trump Mob & Associates & Suckaberg's $$$$$ Russian weaponized media !!!!!. Bless our Country , our Heroes and Patriots. May all the Traitors , Co-Conspirators & useful IDIOTS be charged and given a one way ticket to Russia and in memory of sweet children, innocent victims of gun violence in America be given an NRA AK-47 when they step off the plane !!!!!!!!!!!! REGISTER TO VOTE NOW, TODAY, IT'S OUR CONSTITUTIONAL LIBERTIES AT STAKE .!!!!!

  3. Donald Trump has cost the taxpayers 40 billion dollars in tariffs that Americans paid . China is paying nothing do you hear that China is paying nothing Americans are paying it. Donald Trump is going to bring us down in a recession that is going to take us years to get out of Donald Trump no good for you no good for America

  4. Trump will blame any economic downturn on The Fed and for the failure of Democrats in Congress to approve a new tax cut. Sean will spin it, and suddenly those who are filing bankruptcy and getting their food from food banks will perceive an even more urgent need to go out and vote for Trump.

    The most effective campaign strategy for Republicans the is blaming the Democrats. It works.

  5. It’s useless. You can’t get through to a trump supporter. They all believe news is fake and anyone that doesn’t support him is just out to get him for no reason. He mind fucked all his supporters…

  6. Manufacturing is always disappearing. Learn a new tech job, networking and programming, it's free online. Won't necessarily work for your kids, but it needs you now.

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