







22岁的大学生Alex Chow于11月8日死于警察和示威者发生冲突时在多层停车场倒塌期间头部受伤。





  1. Cade o povo dos direitos humanos e as ONGs que saem em defesa da liberdade de expressão e de protesto e isto está errado o governo da China continental tentando impor mudanças a Hong Kong uma cidade democrática e República e onde o judiciário funciona o governo da China continental quer impor autoritarismo e dominar a Cidade acabar com a liberdade de imprensa e de jornalista e controlar o comércio pois em Hong Kong o IDH é o melhor do mundo o dolar chinês é a 8 moeda negociada no mundo e isso que alguns politicos estão querendo fazer é levar uma Cidade do Nivel de New York ao caos o mundo precisa de lideres que saiba administra o pais.

  2. Hong Kong is a democracy as well as a republic Hong Kong dollar is the eighth currency traded in the world and trade is in full swing as one country says two systems and Hong Kong is different from mainland China because in Hong Kong it is like New York is free the judiciary the freedom of journalists and the press and other things the HDI human rights index is one of the best in the world as the Generation Chinese of England cannot let mainland China authorize violate all rights of Hong Kong they have to protest and make their democratic rights remain the United States and the United Kingdom and even Brazil needs to help and also the countries of South and Central America and North America because violence is on both sides of both police. How much of Chinese Youth Demonstrations is a good time for Brazil, Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay, Colombia, Argentina, Honduras, Dominican Republic, Canada, Mexico, State United States express support for Hong Kong democracy and see how this woman and other Chinese are detained by the authoritarian government that mainland China wants to implement.

  3. Why are commentators so emotional about it? whether they are rioters or not, just watch.. if you are not there in HKG and don't know what is going on, then your comments are just jibberish, unless of course, you are a highly paid CCP employee which i want to be one mys8lf. Exactly F@#% free speech and my w8ll being, i want to be a RICH c8mmunist MFer myself. let's s8ck up to Mao and get free m8ney

  4. To John Koh – the user of YouTube – a lawyer ? If yes, how do you think you can have your own skill to judge anyone if you are a cyberbully with your own comments ? YouTube can block you because you are a cyber bully and harasser. You keep harassing people over the internet with your lies. You are so afraid of disclosing yourself. The chair-person of IPCC is a member of CCP – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dmmzny6XBdA – Do people think Independent Police Complaints Council will examine the investigation findings of the complaint cases based on evidence and in a fair and impartial manner upon receipt of the investigation report/information from CAPO ? Police is officially independent of the jurisdiction of the of Ministry of Public Security of the People's Republic of China. The US military changes to support the resistance and autonomy of Hong Kongers !

    1. street cleaner to death, @John Koh said –

    My question : Have police found out the murder could be a pro-China supporter ?

    2. slashing police throat in ISIS style execution, @John Koh said –

    My question : Have you seen why were the ( students ) victims' dying secretly ? Did you know in the past 6 months, the naked bodies could be found ? It broke the world record but police have not investigated, the police treated these cases as no suspicious cases ?

    3. torching your neighborhood on fire and punching passers, ​ @John Koh said –

    My question : : Have you seen those white and blue shirts Pro-China supporters and attackers hurting people crazily at the train and MTR ?

    4. Are you planning to burn down another campus, ​ @John Koh asked –

    My answer : I connected to the education professors and human rights executives and tell them to save the students.

    What else can @John Koh mislead, bully and say on You Tube ? At least I know I am not a coward.

  5. HEY!! Don't let the Commie's Distract you with Christmas while they attack Hong Kong! Make Hong Kong conversation at every Holiday Party and Meal!! Support Hong Kong!!
    Google this!!! " Police freeze HK$70 million raised by Spark Alliance for Hong Kong protesters, with group suspected of using money for personal gain and rewards" -South china morning Post.

  6. I have a question for China's government. Do you hear the people sing? Sing for their rights? Or do you ignore their calls. Because one day, You will not be able to. One day they will be at your doorstep. And you will fall to the people. You can arrest them, you can kill them but humanity will find a way.

  7. Man , this is a tough situation , i can see the arguement of both sides. The government and the protestors . Both are not handling the situation well. The government should do everything in their power to get a compromise with the protestors. And protestors should not resort to destroying public property. They should do everything in their power to get in contact with elected officials to help them out. Both parties are in the wrong right now. Especially the government , they should have the power and wisdom to come to a agreement with these young people. Its a disgrace.

  8. Disgusting little pig making lot of squeaky noise, shouldn't go rioting if she doesn't like being send to the slaughter house.

  9. These moronic terrorists don't deserve any kind treatment; coming out to riot and vandalize public and private properties, they all should be held fully accountable for their own criminal actions! Hong Kong Police officers should handle them rough as they should because these are hard-core gangsters hell bent on creating chaos!

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