


对盗窃案的调查引发了最近的纠纷。现在,美国政府正在使用其法律手段结束对中国的剥削。 。

  1. The Chinese Z20 helicopter (cloned version of the Blackhawk) is a very obvious sign of theft. The Chinese version doesn't even try to look different from its American blueprint design source.

  2. Also known as 'deceive, disarm, and destroy'.

    Destroy comes only after the other two objectives have sufficiently done enough damage to make it safe to to lose the sheep suits on the wolves.

  3. Tax breaks to move factories to China have existed since Reagan began destroying unions same reason he let immigrants be persecuted and not employers of immigrants. All to bust unions. This is pure propaganda BS. All things described in this video have been aided by the US government. All in the name of unfettered capitalism.

  4. Your government gave corporations tax breaks to move their factories to China. Your government made all this possible. Now they’re calling China the boogey man. How fuvking stupid do you have to be to follow this line of BS.

  5. You do realize China just switched their natural gas supply to Russia because of our tariffs. After dumb ass Trump had to pay our farmers billions because of their losses do to the tariffs. Wake up.

  6. It is lick tactical pancer muvment china from one sid globol febian sosialist from enother to distroy free market capitalisem replacing it whit top downd maoist elitist atoretianism

  7. Yeah after corporate America moved factories to China building their infrastructure not ours. This is such propaganda BS

  8. Hope you've enjoyed the F-35
    at Thanksgiving.
    You are bullshitting.
    Pure propaganda.
    The Chinese worked hard and did so much better than the US. They can't steal what you don't have. They are many miles ahead.

  9. It’s time to turn the tables on China…..cyber hacking goes both ways….their country can be shutdown very quickly….their power grid is a joke.

  10. If the Chinese CCP continues their rape and pillage of the world they will lose everything and rightly so…..no country controls the world even though the big players think they do. Greed destroys everything and China still can’t feed its population, yet it has rulers that think they rule the world. The people will revolt and their filthy government dictators will be executed.

  11. And I'm going to call it karma for spending nearly two centuries exploiting the developing world for your america's own benefit.

    I will cry and applaud when your empire suffers a painful death.

  12. It's time to take the illegitimate communist regime off life support and let it suffer the same fate as the Soviet Union. Then recognize Taipei as the seat of Chinese government and help them build democratic infrastructure throughout the mainland.

  13. Ok! Give China sometimes. China is launching the one road one bell initiatives. China is going to strengthen the economic ties with Russia, Africa, Europe and southeast Asia. And once it is done, the one road one belt regions will use China yuan as the major currency. And China will disconnect any trade with U.S.A. After all, there is no any unfair trade practice between U.S.A. with China. Just give us sometimes. Thank you.

  14. Then there are companies like Apple that moves to China to avoid taxes and pay lower wages, but wants the US taxpayer to protect its "intellectual" rights.

  15. You guys need to jump in more with your reports! We know you're on the right side of things. Just wish we could see more of it. Just saying… Great report! Down with the clowns!!! Trump 2020 ??

  16. China has screwed us royally and the Democratic Party is in the pockets of Corporate America who favor the status quo.Trump is the first President to say NO More and back it up.

  17. We should come out from among them and not deal with them at all.You can never trust a Communist government.Even if they shake your hand smile and agree to something their not going to hold their end of the bargain.It will not happen.Theirs so many people in this country care more about China than America because of their GREED AND THE LUST FOR MORE AND MORE.THEY WILL SELL OUT TO THEM IN A HEARTBEAT.THEY WILL SELL THEIR SOULS TO THE DEVIL FOR MORE WEALTH AND POWER.but in the end the BIBLE says they will toss their wealth to the bats and moles and cry for the rocks to fall on them.MONEY WONT HELP YOU WHEN GODS WRATH IS POURED OUT ON THE EARTH.ONLY JESUS CAN SATISFY YOUR SOUL.HE IS THE ONLY THING THAT WILL FILL THE EMPTINESS IN OUR HEARTS (THAT LONGING WE HAVE FOR SOMETHING MORE TO SATISFY)HE IS THE WAY THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE OUR ONLY HOPE!!!THANK YOU EPOCH TIMES FOR YOUR STAND FOR TRUTH.YOU WONT HAVE BLOOD ON YOUR HANDS BECAUSE YOU WARN PEOPLE YOU TELL IT FOR REAL!!!! GOD GIVE US MORE COURAGEOUS PEOPLE LIKE YOU ALL!

  18. FYI….https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yJZcqjtGFmI (published today) Why don't you do a story on how Field McConnel is in jail for exposing the fraudulent legal system in Broward county in florida and how they are connected to Ukraine and Epstein and child trafficking. Trump knows about this case and is going to Broward county tomorrow. Trump is strongly associated with this case and the case of Timothy Holmseth, a reporter from minnesota that has been reporting on the child trafficking….

  19. Let's do some 6th grade math, shall we? Last year, we paid Fed IRS $3,422 BILLION. But that was not enough. They ran a $1,000B+ 'Deficit' (sic). This 2020 fiscal year, rather than live within OUR budget, Congress RAISED the budget to $4,746 BILLION. That's a FORTY THREE PERCENT BUDGET INCREASE! Where are the screaming media headlines?!

    I could talk for an hour on the 'why', but the 'how' is, HOW ARE YOU GOING TO AFFORD YOUR +43% 2020 IRS TAX BILL? Well, we're not. They're gonna run an EVEN BIGGER DEFICIT. So here's Trump's 'New Math'. His administration CLAIMS we need sanctions, but in the form of an ILLEGAL FEDERAL VAT SALES TAX. And I can prove that. Trump, speaking for his financial administration, says we need to 'bring jawbs back' with 25% to 35% trade sanctions OK, let's do the 6th grade math.

    Chinese factory workers live six to a factory dorm room and work 6/10s for 50 weeks a year, no benefits, for $1.49 an hour. Trump wants to add 25% to 35% to 'Make American Great Again!' That raises Chinese labor costs to only $1.85 an hour. Are you ready to work a US factory job paying $1.85 an hour with no benefits? Of COURSE you're not! But WADC is skimming $100Bs of off-book un-budgeted unaccounted-for US Worker Wealth into their Deep State lockboxes, as we're forced to pay higher costs for goods.


    The greater EVIL here, beside that new illegal Fed VAT tax theft by WADC, is the tens of millions of Americans duped by 'MAGA", who just went ALL-IN WAY OVER THEIR HEADS IN BUSINESS LOAN DEBT. China 'sanctions' were a TWO-FER for the Fed-Finance Deep State. They KEEP THESE ILLEGAL FED VAT TAX funds as Interest-Only on Fed National Debt … FOREVER, plus now they have a HUGE BUSINESS LOAN INTEREST REVENUE STREAM! They will get paid FIRST, and we are all STILL ON THE HOOK FOR Congress' $4,746BILLION +43% higher 2020 Fed budget!! AND THAT'S BEFORE 'ZERO CARBON' TAXES! And you still have to pay down all your new BUSINESS LOANS! And your home mortgage! And your car payment! And your student loans! And your new i-Phone!

    We've reached the dark 'event horizon' of death-spiraling MegaCredit-Debt. When I try to explain this 6th grade math to Americans, their eyes glaze, their mouth drools and they babble MAGA! MAGA! MAGA! And at first, signs seem to say they are right. China manufacturing is collapsing in on itself, with massive over-supply. I purchased a half-dozen stereo amplifier chip-set for US$5.95! That's $1 a chip! China sanctions force American farmers to slaughter their herds and dump their milk and grains at fire-sale prices.


    This is our Fabled Global Credit-Debt Apocalypse! When we wake up, our entire $31,000 BILLION in Worker Wealth will have been looted. IT'S BLACK FRIDAY EVERY DAY!! As Christine Lagarde, former IMF head, now head of the private ECB Bank of Banks, joked, 'You'll (meaning Workers) just be glad to have a job, never mind having any savings.' And her global high-finance audience went wild!

    You may now return to your meaningless 'vote' for the Red-Blue UniParty of Joe-Don Mob, decided by the 'Electoral College'.

  20. We don't need china for trade, we have the money. Lets make Central American countries great again and empty China's companies…..

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