




  1. LOL. But I thought they hate Mandarin speaking???? Also funny is so many on Taiwan move to the mainland now. Hong Kong is backwards.

  2. The irony tw wouldn’t let the guy that killed his pregnant gf back into tw to hand himself in but they let other criminals in

  3. Well at least he knows how to think, id you dont want the system there ao he leaves no one told the rioters they have to stay in hk and in fact they are free to leave instead of just making chaos

  4. I wish I could visit the Republic Of China (Taiwan) someday. ?? Although it had its fair share of its past being right-wing authoritarian, it eventually evolved over time into a multiparty democratic state, unlike Communist China.

  5. This video clearly has some pro-China undertones to it. These protesters are not giving up, Hong Kong belongs not to China, but to the people that reside in Hong Kong. And if those people want freedom from a corrupt dictator, then so be it.The South China Morning Post is propaganda for China.

  6. Taiwan is not a country and still part of China. When China deal HK done and Taiwan is next. Just matter of time. Taiwan never dare to declare independence from China.

  7. Well quoting trump, you don't like then move out . Makes no sense creating chaos in hong kong. Eventually the autonomy will end in 2047. 25 years, you don't like it now, then definitely time to move.

  8. There's 2 groups of protesters in Hong Kong. The terrorists who call themselves pro-democracy protesters and the protesters who live in Hong Kong as residents who are pro-Beijing and Hong Kong. These two groups oppose each other. If the terrorists wants to move than fine, but please don't let them come to China and ruin all these beautiful cities the Chinese Government help build the last few decades.

  9. SCMP should follow up on those that migrated in the previous 2 waves after living there a few years. Why not incite more violent rioters to migrate there?

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