
伊朗最高领导人阿亚图拉·阿里·哈梅内伊(Ayatollah Ali Khamenei)说,严厉的复仇正在等待“犯罪分子”的杀害,后者杀害了其精锐的古德部队(Qds Force)的指挥官Qassem Soleimani。
伊朗国家安全委员会发言人基万·霍斯拉维(Kiwan Khosravi)表示,将举行紧急会议,讨论她所说的杀死索莱马尼的“犯罪袭击”。
德黑兰大学美国研究系主任穆罕默德·马兰迪(Mohammad Marandi)说,美国已“向伊朗和伊拉克宣战”,“西方人最好立即撤离阿联酋和伊拉克等国家”。


#Iran #QassemSoleimani#US-IranTensions。

  1. We did not invaded Syria. Another country was bombing Syria. It was vetoed during the Obama era, the Republican would not vote for a thing. Afganistan was invaded by a expansionist county. We only helped. The groups inside are squabbling..I am ignorant to the development of these other fractions. The Yemenis attacked a ship. That is considered a act of war. Mariners law or something. That is what that stems from. I certainly did not want starving individuals children killed and cholera. This is still going in Syria we have nothing to do with that. Turkey and Russia have been running that deadly game for the whole time.

  2. If USA want war, they've already got it, an economic war.!
    The US are desperate to hold onto WorLd Land Resources and insist for countries to trade in thee Petro-DoLLar. Globally it is a fact Petro-DoLLar is no longer a reliable currency. Hence why China introduced their Petro-Yuan and Russia Petro-RubeL. It is a painful stranglehold for the USA, as more and more countries not only seek to trade in an alternative currency but request the protection from alternative Superpowers invade the US invade. Their debt is spiralling out of control, funds are running dry and their MiLItary IndustriaL Complex for SaLe of Arms is slowing due to out performed weaponary. They tried to interfere with OiL rich Venezuela, the Don : Putin is already there to protect. Likewise their trying their luck with Iran but Russia and China are already there.
    They won't be attacking Iran, I think its better to stay poised and let the strangulation serve it's purpose, then one will not need to smack the US too hard, especially if their MiLitary personeL are not being paid wages.

  3. i thank god i can look at a comment section and actually see smart people, we "the majority" know the lies being told, everything this man has said was the truth, and as Americans we are totally supportive of Iran, and Iraq. this has always been about what Americans (wealthy elite) can steal from other country's. they have us believing the Palestine's were evil and causing all the problem but no it's Israel they have illegally settled on land that was stolen with the help of America and continue to isolate the Palestine's into a tiny piece of land and slaughter them everyday. lets keep the comments up on every platform we can. and make sure to mention Israel war crimes too, bc they need to know we don't stand with them either, i'm plastering my car with these msgs.

  4. Well, maybe if Iran gets strong enough the international community would parrot who they say is a terrorist group. Iran is fighting the U.S far too soon. They're banking on the idea that the U.S won't fight back and that's stupidity. Iran is no match for the U.S military whatsoever what they're doing is an international joke.

  5. The psycho islamists have killed 275 million people since their “theocracy” was founded. War is horrible but necessary some time. Let’s hope the world wakes up and stops this evil. God bless America the light of the world and home of all civilized people seeking personal freedom and prosperity. It’s time to examine the values and principles you live by. Is the fruit sweet or bitter?

  6. Iran had better watch it. We have a president who has been impeached, and there will be a bitter trial eventually, and there will be an election in less than a year. Trump is desperate to win re-election to elude the authorities that are investigating and will indict him eventually, and what better way than to stoke patriotism by starting a war?

  7. When US citizens learn that defence system works only in one way. Your soldiers stay in your country and when someone invades you then you use your defence system.
    By invading all small countries with your OFFENCE MILITARY MACHINE YOU make the others despise you.
    Your soldiers are not welcome anywere in the world that includes ALL East European countries.

  8. The American people voted for Trump based on his promise to get us out of the Middle East where Clinton was promising no fly zones over Syria and war with Iran.

    Our "allies" of Israel and Saudi Arabia are a nemesis as the government ignores the people, spoon-feeds Goebbels-esque propaganda and causes us to divide from within in the false battles that racism and sexism elected Trump. We wanted out of the Middle East, and Trump has proven the American people have no vote. We're Israel's b!tch.

  9. It's a good thing America is attacking dictatorships. Dictatorships are bad. The middle east destroyed itself through extremely bad policy for example: murdering protesters. Not letting people be free. Adults know that when bad things happen to them it is their own fault in the end whether it be through action or inaction. Stop blaming America for your problems. Stop marrying children also.

  10. OK. Thoughts on Trump assassinating Soleimani? He's the Iranian general who played a big role in destroying Al Qaeda & ISIS in Iraq & Syria. He fought against the ideology of barbarians who targeted civilians in cities like Paris, Nice, Berlin, & Manchester..

  11. Iran kills Americans so America responded. Call it what you will. Iran has a visceral hatred of the West and has blood on their hands. Their religious leaders is a murderer full of hatred… and he calls himself a man of God. Geez.

  12. This is a geopolitical move, remember Iran is a key part for the belt and road china's vision. Besides Iran is the 6th petro provider of China. And China has invested about 2 billion dollars.

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