


视频由Nick Beake,Joe Phua和Joyce Liu拍摄。


  1. I am also concerned not just about the kids but also the general people living there and even the mainland Chinese who are just trying to make a living for themselves.

  2. Nowadays the Hong Kong police are the troops of China, using their own made weapons. After Carrie Lam and Head quarter of police meeting with Xi. The Hong Kong police will get pay O/T and increase their wages by 10%, and even more depending on their level of the job ranking. They get paid thousand HK dollars for each kid arrested. Therefore, now you can see the police making up more trouble everywhere, at anytime, even day and night. The target is to arrest a minimum of 5 people each day. So we hope the US President will have to increase the rates or do something to stop the arrogant Chinese police, with their animal attitude of Hong Kong police, and help our children in Hong Kong.

  3. This idiot Jonathan is trying to justify his unfounded fear of the unknown future by resorting to violence. They are actually looting stores of HK to make a living. Proper words for them is terrorists and looters.

  4. No matter how violent their protests are ,Chinese government will never compromise like the hongkong government.unless these young men can defeat the PLA.This is What i know as a people living in the mainland of China

  5. Teen Dude….you should have been concerned about how your going to have a job in the future more than flipping your cookie about freedoms you never lost.
    Now you kiddies have put the HK economy on the road to hell. You Hongkongers have shown Beijing and the World what bottom feeders you really are. You hate mainland people and refuse to speak mandarin….you trashed the National Flag and marched with the US Flag….you were not loyal to the High Table….now the Adjudicator will soon give you ,Not , 5 demands but 5 economic Cuts….hope you Protesters are as tuff as John Wick.

  6. pure meddling by the West, for the purpose of destabilizing China and ultimately forcing them to become a part of the global Jewish empire.

  7. In the British mini series The Long Song, there is a quite impressive dialogue between slave, July and her Missus, Ms.Mortimer, go like this, March said: i would be happy to be free to go wherever i wanna go; the lord replied to her Negro maid: "Where would you you go? and who would protect you?" Slave is slave, they need protection and master.

  8. all premeditated and designed by US at back stage. They don't care how terrible your city become, oppositely, that's exaclty what they want to see. Naive young people

  9. Most protesters cant afford to buy houses in hk. Their living pressure is massive. They need something like this to let their pressure out.

  10. First of all, if they are old enough to study in a college, please just call them college students rather than “children”. They are old enough to be sentenced to jail for wrong doings.

  11. BBC journalist, were you mental when you opened your mouth with “they were trapped in the university” ?! They were trapped?! LOL! They closed the gates themselves and started to make petrol bombs even before police showed up!

  12. Easy. Come to Europe or America and protest like u do in Hongkong, u ll get cured in no time. Not only by the police, but also by the commuting citizens (of London anyway) alike. 😉

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