


  1. Taiwan is awesome- the pollution has decreased massively over the years it is fair to say there would be worse pollution in London or Paris in a fair comparison. Granted there is more vehicle pollution at rush hour than other times but it feels no different from the roadside of any busy road in the West. They interestingly TOTALLY forgot to mention that on a recent survey of the rather modern underground system that the pollution index was multiples of what it was on the street level and in addition- as the government won't increase use of nuclear power, much of the the power for the electric scooters comes from a coal power plant in Taichung,,,,,,where the pollution has become far worse 🙁 . Great to see interesting start ups- good for Taiwan!

  2. with national health care, taiwanese has less stress than living in the two, though the income is much lower….i anticipate Singaporean will have less income soon…so as Japanese. The low income rate of tw is due to the exchange rate of NT$ has long being controlled to be lower for the favor of manufacturing export …it should be higher by at least twice and things will be different..

  3. 台湾的晶元和生技两大块还是处于世界先进行列的,尤其是晶元方面!不过,台湾的基建真心要翻新了!太落后了!都更太慢!!

  4. everything is great until you cross the unlit zebra crossing, 80% of the drivers are too dumb to yield to pedestrians, I guess they are so dumb that they don't work in the high tech industry here in Taiwan….

  5. What a lie from the Taiwanese researcher about the air pollution in Taichung who blamed the incense burning in the temples as the culprit for the pollution. The truth is that the major pollution is contributed by the power plants in Taichung area that burn coals, which has been the main coverup by the current government to sugar coat its flawed power policy. BBC needs to verify the correctness of the speeches from the interviewees first before putting them on air. Due to the failed power policies, Taiwan’s co2 emission rate per capita is among the highest in the world.

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