
伊拉克国家电视台报道说,库德斯将军卡瑟姆·索莱马尼(Qassem Soleimani)已被美国对巴格达的空袭杀害。 #塔克#福克斯新闻

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  1. There is just one happy winner after every bloody mess like this –
    Israel, the evil master behind, thanks to whom America's soldiers blood
    is shedding for decades in the Middle East. And to whom billions
    US taxpayers dollars flow every year. How much longer can you swallow
    it, America?!

  2. No one made this big a stink, when Osama bin laden was executed.
    F U N N Y.
    oh forgot only Democrats can do that.
    I really think Obummer is Bin Laden.

  3. Oh my dear Lord God Führer Trump, you said you bring the troops home, now you send more troops into a warzone. You promised you bring them home and end those stupid endless wars!

    Bring them home!

    Bring them home!

    Bring them home!

  4. War is good for America as the people know very well. Prosperity always follows. If the economy shows signs of slowing down that is always a good reason for provoking a war. This is what makes America great.

  5. To all the little children, who have no idea how the real world actually works, perhaps you should do some research into the history of the region, then once you have learned something, you will be able to make an informed opinion, instead of childish insults.
    It's incredible, how little people know about the real world, but they all have an opinion, why?, if you can't be bothered to find out about what is actually going on, why are you talking about it, the fact that there are people talking about WW3, only goes to show you how much ignorance there is.

  6. How about all of us pitching in, buy and offer one-way airfare to all the thumbs-down voters here, apparently they think Iranian leaders are just like Bernie "free" Sanders.

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