
随着示威者离开该地区,美国驻伊拉克大使馆的危机已平息。在伊朗支持的民兵的支持者袭击该设施后,本周早些时候爆发了暴力事件。动荡凸显了美国和伊朗之间不断升级的紧张局势,伊拉克陷于中间。乔治敦大学外交学院副教授马修·克罗尼格(Matthew Kroenig)加入CBSN,探讨最新动态。 。

  1. Revenge is not a solution for justice, it’s increases anger rather than decreasing it is because of ruminations. We need to watch our anger or otherwise WWW3 will start.

  2. Isn't Iran allies with Russia? Wouldn't you think if we continued to attack the country Russia might have to step in. Wouldn't that be the bigger threat because Russia is a strong military group [ with lots of nukes ] who might use their power to protect its allies such as Iran.

  3. Stormy Daniels , Stormy Daniels, Stormy Daniels….crisis in Iraq, crisis in Iraq, crisis in Iraq,( tomorrow it will be something else)

  4. "LOOK OVER HERE", No Thanks, I will keep my focus on everybody tied to Epstein. They are getting nervous because they are about to be exposed. Everytime the media pushes the thought pattern away from Epstein and everybody involved with him, 10X more exposure will come their way. ✝️?

  5. Instead of just making conjectures at who's behind the protests, do real statistical polling of the people there. I'm guessing that Iraqis would like us to leave. And don't give a platform to criminal warlords pushing illegal conflicts like Pompeo.

  6. I never said where the money come from all I said was OBAMA said they would stop and they did not and never will ! ANOTHER one BITES the DUST free CREMATION provided by the USA !

  7. Trump has a thin skin and everything has to be sugar coated for him, –
    We live in a world were people can't tell the truth about the monsters who rule.   America and what it once stood for no longer exists.

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