
香港区议会选举中的几位备受关注的竞选活动人士遭到残酷的攻击,在选举过程中蒙羞。 CNN的Will Ripley报道。


  1. just notice you guys that HK got no voting right when they were cloning by UK. SO, i wondering why UK media such as BBC can talk about democracy and voting right in HK, cause the rulers in HK was even not Chinese when UK ruled HK

  2. Well, as a Chinese, I honestly don’t buy the vote-for-a-president kind of democracy. It is just a way to rule, and it’s not even a good one. Like all westerners, Americans believe that the one picked by most people outperforms the one picked by the most experienced people. But come on, people are just brainless crowds buying everything they want to believe, and fed by the one-sided facts or even fabricated news dispensed by the rich and powerful. How many are “tricked” into voting the one without realizing it. That’s what you call freedom. ?

  3. who will support violence? Is the violence the future of hongkong?
    Listen the comments from people who lives and knows what democracy is… @

  4. who will support violence? Is the violence the future of hongkong?
    Listen the comments from people who lives and knows what democracy is… @

  5. If only there is a referendum to vote on the renewal of the broadcast license of CNN, CNN will be put off air. LOL. So it's really the system that stacked up to the estalishment that has been keeping CNN alive. So be gratful, CNN. Between the establishment and the facists rioters in HK who are worse, I will always pick the establishment.

  6. 在大陆中国,每个省的贪官太多,并且都是共产党员!!这就是邪恶中国共产党的本质!谢谢美国之音揭发邪恶的中国共产党!在大陆中国,没有任何媒体敢报道和揭发中国共产党,为什么不敢揭发呢,那就是所有媒体都是党媒,他们姓党,他们听党的话,他们昧着良心欺骗大陆老百姓,支持香港为自由而战,大陆人民注意到了吗,清醒了吗,我们的统治者是中国共产党,曾经杀过人,抢过土地,当过土匪的中国共产党!天天满嘴欺骗大陆老百姓,我们没自由,没有人权,在大陆到处流行买官卖官,只有邪恶的交易,只有邪恶的共产党,骗教育,骗医疗,骗老百姓中共的拿手好菜,乱灌输,乱洗脑,现在是时候该垮台了,中国共产党的红色垃圾政权绝对会灭亡,天天镇压老百姓!

  7. Today’s headlines, the Hong Kong police hit the people of Hong Kong with real guns, and all over the world talked about it.

  8. Wtf CNN you couldn't mention how the police are targeting protesters? Or how the so called "Police" beat and in some occasions SHOT students who only want the freedom to vote for their own leader. Honestly should have expected this from a left wing biased news source, but still have some human decency.

  9. This is how fragile humanity is. When people realize they don’t need to behave like a human but simply hurt or kill someone with a different voice. They sugar it with Democracy and then some media would try to catch more attention by broadcasting and supporting it.

  10. All these violence are fueled and funded by the US govt. The CIA are is using all their puppets on the streets of HK to terrorize and intimidate people. The US Congress is backing all these terrorism in HK.

  11. what a bunch of CNN News BS's, Those are not pro-democracy protesters, they are anti-government terrorists, rioters and violent thugs. Read the so called " 5 demands " and tell me, you sh*tface CNN News reporters, which one is the "pro-democracy" demand??? You hypocrites.

  12. CNN you are lying again. HK government is highly popular with the majority. Unfortunately the majority have to keep quiet to avoid violence. You have no census or study to show HK government is unpopular. Stop lying.

  13. Hong Kong's future is in you hand. Protesters: If you vote for us, violence will disappear. If not, more people will put on the black mask and petrol will be on someone?

  14. Stop only interviewing one side of the story. The western media only interview pro democracy people like Claudio Mo and Joshua Wong etc etc. so tired of this biased reporting these past 6 months. We won’t be fooled though!

  15. Young Hong Kong protesters are increasingly spreading their own virus Because endless demands are destroying themselves and their families and trying to destroy Hong Kong by trying to provoke more anger. Why are they stupid at this level or are they being studied to crazy levels.

  16. Personally, I would have NOTHING to do with China!! I cannot believe the US is willing to stoop so low that we would ever enter a trade agreement with a tyrannical psychopath like Xi!! When did money become more valuable than principle? If we ever find ourselves being beaten to death, won't it be nice to know that money is more important, and you pale in comparison? I would tell Xi–HELL NO–NO TRADE DEAL!!!

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