
由于标准普尔500指数周一开盘前曾创下历史新高,CNBC的吉姆·克莱默(Jim Cramer)对那些认为贸易战会导致美国市场受损的人进行了反思。 。

  1. It's human to deny being WRONG… Expect EXCUSES, smoke and mirrors by the naysayers.

    Just blow them off next time they open their mouths, and expose their track records??… Then you'll get what I call the "religious response"…. "One day, the end is coming…You will see" pfft.

  2. OMG Cramer, give us a break. The stock market is at record highs due to endless central bank intervention. Central Bank Communism and Fascism works beautiful for wall street but is destroying main street. QE is Socialism for the rich. QE is UBI for the rich. This will end very badly as all Banana Republics do. Elizabeth Warren's Socialism will be a improvement over the Fascism we have now.

  3. Trillion dollar deficits. 110% debt to GDP. $120 billion daily repos. $60 billion per month FED balance sheet expansion. Rate cuts galore. Sub 2% GDP growth. The economy is in a good place – J. Powell.

  4. LOL, how about the Fed quits doing overnight repos and stops QE. Economy is on life support from the fed. Usual cnbc morons and their bs lies.

  5. buy backs dont count. and the costs have been pushed onto consumers and not china. and the constant intervention by the fed is keeping markets high. bruh, cramer, bruh

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