在“极端地区”中寻找贸易战杠杆:Stratfor VP

Stratfor全球分析副总裁Reva Goujon和Capital Alpha Partners董事总经理James Lucier参加“交易所”,讨论全球紧张局势如何影响市场。 。

  1. The US has always used other people to fight the front lines and toss them out like garbage after there's no use for them anymore, and these people are appalled? give me a break

  2. Trump can't handle all the turmoil he started, internally and externally; literally like a bull in a china shop after he's broken everything, and complaining no one wants to work with US.

  3. We don’t understand your system and tired of hearing your “freedom”! We don’t care you’re freedom or not! Chinese are very very Angry.we should anti all USA product , and kick them out of our country

  4. Concentration camps that made up by western media. US treats the whole world as concentration camps you dumbbitch.

    China doesnt want to stop yall from saying things, but they wont put money into any of those busienss that support separatist in HK. So keep talking, no 1stoppin you.

  5. Anything between now and Friday is just noise and emotions. I'm long thru Friday, and will then know the direction of the trade war, and the direction I want to trade the markets moving forward.

  6. Morons!!!! CNBC morons! Of course, China’s open to a partial deal. It’s America that IS or IS NOT open to a partial deal. What jibberish and rhetoric in reporting, and they suppose their viewers are morons. I guess Americans are morons??? Living under a rock????

  7. 10 billions dollars of soybean purchase mean nothing to the anchor because she isn't a farmer. This is just like the agriculture secretary who belittle the US farmers as whiners.

  8. It is unclear how much of the actions coming from both sides are theater to mollify those on both sides who don't want to do business with each other or whether they are really escalations in the position of either side. The Chinese made it clear to Trump last May the limits on the kind of deal they were prepared to make. Trump has continued to push for negotiations. There are three possible reasons. One is that he is still interested in making the best deal for the United States that China will accept. Another is that he still hopes to force China into a deal beyond the red line they drew last May. The third is that Trump sees some advantage in continuing the theater around failed negotiations. Nothing in the various actions and statements coming from the Chinese indicate that they are no longer willing to make the same kind of deal they outlined to Trump last May. But, they are also indicating a willingness to make a smaller deal that could benefit both sides without addressing more difficult issues. The items China took out of play just repeated the message they sent Trump last May about the limits of the kind of deal they could accept. If Trump believes he can force them to change
    their minds, he is wasting everyone's time. It Trump just wants theater, he will get another round this time. But, my guess is that if it turns out that the United States does not have any serious intention to make a deal, it will be a while before China wants to go through the same process again.

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