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  1. The DPP have failed to keep its previous election promise. In last year local election the Koumintang won a landslide victory forcing Tsai Ing-wen step down as chairwoman of DPP. I predict the Koumintang may win the 2019 election.

  2. Incredibly uninformed, boring content from the censored, state run media under President Pooh the fascist dictator. Taiwan will NEVER become slaves of the CCP.

  3. Taiwan Hong Kong Republic China forever and no two China
    Only China can win Taiwan future is Chinese lands their country
    China is the ? leader today superpower.

  4. China bans movies, actors from prominent Taiwan film awards…..Philippines to stamp Chinese passports with controversial 9-dash line using design that shows ‘all’ PH territories…..Just a couple of articles that appeared in the news this morning to further show that China continues to be the great paper tiger bully of the orient! Well done China, your turning the world against you! Time to go hide behind your Great Wall again and try to figure out how to be an affable member of the world before re-emerging.

  5. it's a joke that Taiwan actually think that america cares about them. the us only engages with Taiwan when it's in a trade war with china. it's obvious that Taiwan is leverage for the us to use in negotiations. after the trade war is settled, Taiwan will be tossed aside and ignored by the us like the decades before

  6. Taiwan's futures is tied to the US and the USA is taking in 1 million Marxists a year from Latin America. The USA will become a Socialist/Marxist nation and will abandon Taiwan. Wait 10 years and Taiwan will be abandon by the USA.

  7. Tiwan and hk should unite if not to china then become america . Land of the free . If china wanna land grab then america will conquer

  8. Regardless of history….Taiwan is a nation all by itself with a population that wants nothing to do with the corrupt CCP! Just like Quebec, if the population at large votes to be a separate entity then that is what will be reflected in a National Referendum! The “people of Taiwan” will tell their leadership what path they choose to follow and not be forced by a corrupt government in China! I’ve yet to meet a Taiwanese person (From the country of Taiwan….NOT China) who wants anything to do with the CCP! Chinas governmental corruption is well documented….In a recent statement on his crackdown on corruption, Emperor XI says 1.3 million government workers are corrupt. Then there is their constant lying and denials about pretty much EVERYTHING when they get caught doing terrible things against their own people or other countries …Falun Gong persecution’s, Organ Harvesting from unsuspecting victims….pretty much anyone incarcerated is viewed as a living donor which makes a whole lot of cash for the military elite running the operation, to internment of some 2 million Uyghur, to disregarding a world court decision on how to divide up the South China Sea, and deny building military installations (They have heard of satellite photographs…right?) on the islands in the South China Sea which historically are NOT theirs…and using extremely corrupt business practices such as predatory lending to countries who will NEVER be able to pay China back their loans. Instead, they sign over rights to their raw materials and infrastructure such as ocean ports and airports so that China has a strangle hold on their country! EVERYONE knows exactly what they are up to with their “String of Pearls” ocean transportation route and their “Belt and Road Initiative” which is the land version. These two routes will pretty much give China a strangle hold throughout South East Asia. Can you image the result if India claimed as much of the Indian Ocean as China has the South China Sea and disrupt the flow of oil to China? China would be finished in 2 months as they rely totally on imported oil as they squandered all their natural resources already. They are seeking to colonize a world that has already been colonized! Sorry China! The planet should stop dealing with you all together and develop new trade agreements with each other for the mutual benefit of the parties concerned, NOT as China has done where they become the only one who benefits. My suggestion: Due to the extreme human rights violations going on in China these days, ALL NATIONS should boycott the Olympics. Hold it in another venue that already exists…..say like…Calgary!

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