[11.13] Hong Kong Police provoke with swearing & illegal arrest an iBanker

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  1. I watched this video a few months ago but did not know what they were saying. Thank you for taking the trouble to translate to English! These policemen have to be trained to vent their frustration than taking it out to civilians. No wonder MOST HK ppl hate HKPF.

  2. If this guy is a director and works in an investment bank. He needs to speak up and let everyone know, including head office. What a bunch of garbage police. Uneducated rabid dogs…

  3. Send those hong kong police go to Middle East work,see how they scare. Only the mouth and bully own Citizen,when come to war,they are scare.

  4. Hmm I wonder why hk people would always think police are played by pla? I mean like, pla soldiers are from mainland China and definitely speak different language…

  5. 港警无端挑衅和辱骂路人 后来又对路人滥用暴力(喷辣椒水和殴打)当他说有人堵路有人纵火 我突然觉得好笑 跟他干的事儿比起来堵路纵火都不值得一提

  6. The HK Police Farce are friggin' scum. They need to be disbanded immediately and the ones like the ones in this video need to be tried for abuses of power. It is sickening!

  7. 这么好的频道,可惜看的人太少了,应该让世界上更多的人看到,即便是我的中国同胞,即便是某些脑残们

  8. Firstly, popo sworn at the office worker on many occasions. Then he lost control of his emotions and started arresting the office worker illegally when the office worker talked back. Is this professionalism from so called one of Asia's finest? How can it be assaulting a police officer when he was in self defense mode against an unlawful arrest? No wonder there is no independent inquiry into the police as they will uncover a lot of dirt like these. These mainland Guangdong cops should just go back to their hometown and stop terrorizing HKers.

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