
自从唐纳德·特朗普的贸易战开始以来,已经破产的农场数量比前一年增长了13%(在关税之前)。现在有超过10,000个各种规模的农场停业,而且没有迹象表明在地平线上的救济。正如《火环》的法伦·考辛斯(Farron Cousins)所说,这是特朗普的政策,他拥有这种经济破坏。

链接-https://www.upi.com/Top_News/US/2019/09/30/US-farm-bankruptcies-rise-as-trade-war-drags-on/7151569609436/?rc_fifo=5&utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name = iossmf









我们在这里已经讨论了很长时间了,唐纳德·特朗普的贸易战绝对杀死了美国农民,有时这实际上是很直白的,因为自贸易战开始以来,农民自杀的速度飞速增长,造成这种情况的部分原因是,农民之间的破产也急剧上升。今年早些时候,我们谈到了一个事实,即唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)的贸易战开始以来,农民之间的破产率增长了8%,最近我们昨天获得了新的数字,该数字增加了几个月,而此前我们没有这个数字仅为8%,而现在这个数字在短短12个月内已跃升至13%。在2018年6月至2019年6月之间,美国农民破产在过去12个月中增长了13%。在此之前,有将近13,000个美国农场被关闭,13,000个美国农场被关闭。为UPI运行的Jesse Higgins就是这样解释的。农业产业总有周期。某些年份,价格低廉,有些年份,价格高昂,而当价格高昂且农民赚得更多钱时,他们往往会在价格低迷时预留很多。因此他们有了缓冲,从2014年左右开始价格就很低。因此,农民一直在用自己在2018年拨出的钱来补贴自己,价格开始回升。因此,他们当然赚到了更多钱,直到最后的关键时刻,即2018年7月6日,唐纳德·特朗普宣布对中国征收首个关税,中国进行了报复,使那些作物价格在四年低位后终于反弹,这使它们暴跌。因此,已经用尽了低年储蓄的所有农民们终于想到,好了,现在正是我们有机会重新建立起来的机会。感谢上帝,我们没有什么可以生存的了。然后特朗普亲自亲自为他销毁了它。然后他们一无所有,再也没有缓冲。价格没有按照预期上涨,也没有为这一周期做好准备。因此,去年有近13,000个农场关闭了。美国农民的破产率增加了13%,问题仍然存在。是。我们给予他们的小额救助有所帮助。他们说他们大多数人什么都没得到。实际上,大部分都交给了大型工厂的农民。你知道吗,Purdues在那里。他们赚了很多钱。他们中的其余人甚至还不够抓,而唐纳德·特朗普又是100%。国会没有通过。国会对此没有投票。国会对此没有发言权。老实说,这不是一个左手的问题。这不是一个正确的问题。这是唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)的问题,美国农民需要了解,对他们这样做的人是唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)。他向您提供了此服务,您是唯一的人,唯一有能力为此做些事情的人,而您需要做的就是将他们投票出去。这就是要采取的措施。这些贸易战没有缓解的迹象。由于特朗普政府的所有不间断丑闻,大多数人似乎忘记了它们仍在发生。你懂?这就是真正令人沮丧的事情。媒体现在全神贯注于所有丑闻,他们并不是在谈论他的实际政策正在造成的苦难

#rof #trofire #theringoffire #progressivenews。

  1. People don't realize how fk up Trump until shit start to go down!! This country don't need a sick businessman to be president

  2. Make America great again by flushing America into the toilet? ?#dementiaDrain president did not study economy 101 or lawschool former Miss Word PIMP. Possible minor rapist supplied by J.Epstein?

  3. Trumptards: our taxes look great we're seeing more money. ALL LIES! They're pay checks are taking a big hit from Trump's tax cuts to the rich but they hate to admit that they've been duped by him. Their hatred, racism and support for Trump comes before bills, food, a home and clothing. WAKE UP IDIOTS, Trump will not put you before he puts himself. Ask Cohen, Rudy, Manafort and Pence. And there's gonna be many others that he's gonna throw to the wolves including YOU SUPPORTERS!

  4. The people (demons) who still supports trump is do so out of deep rooted racism & hatred… Period! Obama f@#ked their heads up. Their fragility is showing itself now.

  5. Taxes + Interest = Evil
    How can you take a chunk of somebody's income when the Vast natural resources are at your disposal? It all begins with indoctrination in school.

  6. 13 thousand!!!!. So, watch these same farmers wear that litter red MAGA hat. The same red states that put him in the white house. Don't forget to vote again! I bet your Republican senators would love your support as well. I gather its non farmers that feel your story must be FAKE news. You should sell off your farm equipment to help fund and build the wall. You should hurry up cause its a crisis.
    I have to ask, how long has the farm been in your family? Its going away soon. Thats sad! Everyone is proud of themselves to see you lifetime work disappear. Its all going to be ok… all you have to do is pick up an assault rifle and shoot everyone. But the time things change the agricultural industry will belong to Mexico.

  7. They ASKED for the MISERY so what is the PROBLEM? I do not anything for SELFISH ASS STUPID people. Enough already with the sympathy for dumb people who let hatred for others destroy their lives. Oh well……and stop giving my TAX DOLLARS to these SOBs.

  8. Better not bail them out with my money. This is 2020 people…adapt or die. Convert to hydroponics and do the planet a favor for once. Frigging pesticide polluters. Don't give a shit about feeding people, only their business and money.

  9. NOOOOO it simply CAN'T be Trumputin's fault! He's a saint, and such a successful 'businessman'! NO, he can't be held responsible for his own stupid trade war backfiring, or for his tax cut for the wealthy scam not working out! It MUST be that damned black librul Muslim Obama's fault! The suckers that wanted to believe the orange messiah was the chosen one that would swoop in and deliver them from evil black librul tyrant Obama, or whatever the hell BS they wanted to believe, I can't help but openly LAUGH and taunt these MORONS!……WOMP WOMP ha ha ha!!!

  10. Fake News. According to the American Farm Bureau Federation, bankruptcies fell by 1%, we are seeing a lower number in bankruptcies than the last 10 year average, and much lower than the 2009-2012 average. This does not include the subsidies that Donald Trump put in place to help farmers during the trade war.

    One thing Fake News like you need to understand, people are smart enough to do their own research.

  11. Shame, ain't it? I wonder how many of these Trump-supporting fools thought that their best collateral hinged on the fact that they were white? How much do seven shotgun shells cost these days?


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