
周一(11月11日)上午在西湾河发生冲突时,一名香港警务人员向示威者开枪,造成一人重伤。 (视频:路透社/丘比特制作人)






  1. The amount of SJW comments from the west here is over-whelming, please research about the crimes these rioters had inflicted upon HK and its innocent citizens before you decide to post a comment that reveal your ignorance and hypocracy, although as a Taiwanese who has lived in the west I can understand you need your CIA paycheck to cover your student loan, so just keep coping and paste if youre really that poor

  2. This guy tried to snatch the gun in the police, they ignored the warning after the police pulled the gun,so what can the police do? I guess your A democratic and free western police can solve this

  3. Why are you bots on youtube anyway? Western social media is banned in china without use of a vpn. I hope you commie bootlickers don't accidentally get your organs harvested for being a political dissident when you're really proud, upstanding bootlickers.

  4. The world has never found a good definition of the word freedom. Sad what happens in this video. Every person in this world must fight for his freedom. Why? All of us in this world have a right to our lives.
    He fights for his life and in the end he is shot by the police. What happened to humanity ?

  5. Police is unhurt, walks away, takes an unarmed kid hostage, then shoots a couple of other unarmed kids in the stomach. You get shot in the stomach, you're most likely to die.

  6. Of course the policeman was wrong to upgrade the situation first and should get fired for his unprofessionalism, but why in the hell would anyone call for help from his companions (and 3 of them just got in at once) and try to grab the gun from the police? Not to mention that the policeman pointed his gun downwards with his every shot, trying to avoid the lethal results… But why think that hard? Let's just treat this as another classic tale of good freedom fighters bullied by evil commies and then go to bed with sense of justice and pride!

    From Chinese bot No…. Well what was my number again? Nvm just remember that I'm a Chinese bot or some CCP-paid commenter, and all that disagree with this perfect tale are:-)

  7. He defendet himself from some maniacs, nothing wrong here. People these days are simply idiots (antifa and co), i would do the same bevore they mutilate me.

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