
在本周通过电话发言之后,预计北京和华盛顿代表团将在9月举行贸易谈判。特朗普政府表示,会谈富有成效,并宣布推迟在假日购物季对中国电子产品和玩具征收部分关税。但是,预计美国将从9月1日开始对其他商品加征10%的关税。中国表示已准备好作出回应,并暂停购买美国农产品。要讨论所有这些问题:龚公(John Gong)是对外经济贸易大学的经济学教授。严亮是威拉米特大学经济学副教授。杰夫·穆恩(Jeff Moon)曾担任美国驻中国贸易代表助理,并且是国际贸易顾问。 Remi Piet是佛罗里达国际大学的政治经济学和外交政策研究助理。 。

  1. Trump created the waves and claimed that he can saves the ship,Cuba,Venezuela,Iran,N.Korea,Hong Kong,China,Russia,Afghanistan,Syria,these countries can lives better off without Trump’s Sabre Rattling.

  2. China is so wonderful. Faced with a one-third loss in their pigs from disease, they are removing import tariffs on pork from the US. Why this is so sweet.

  3. I'm not very fan of Trump,  but will give him credit where it's due.
    Trump has my vote and full support if he bring china down. China is the biggest criminal country in the world, a theif and cold blooded murderer.
    These communist mafia needs to go.
    US import over $250 billions, China import only $25 billions, do the Math. America has huge leverage over China.
    America will win this war easily, before we go to 3rd world war.
    If Trump really has balls, he can bring China down to earth in few months.
    As National security, he can issue EO to all American companies leave China in 3 months or so. Stop all shipments from China or Tariff 300% all goods.
    Americans can afford, we have lot of buying power. Economy may slow, but no gain without pain, simple.
    China is the biggest criminal country in the world and a theif and cold blooded murderer communist crap criminals. It has to be stopped now or it will be too late.
    God bless America

  4. So glad we have a leader that has the balls to confront China on trade! We have been losing big time over the years on trade with other countries! Time that America was great again and bring back our jobs! Make those other countries deal with us fairly!

  5. Our American Leaders are sabotaging our children's future! We say we believe in the Golden Rule but fail to practice it. As a declining relatively small country, we should pull in our horns and avoid electing blowhards like Trump and Biden. They are selling you a bill of goods and stating that things are ok when you know they are not (or at least should know). As long as my fellow Americans continue to avoid looking at themselves, we will make no progress. Capitalism is on the way out.

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