全文:摄影记者May James被香港警方逮捕 [STP Media]

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  1. about 30 policies surrounded a woman. No one could get closer to help her. And the Chinese zombie trying to explain. what the hell is going on???? ?????

  2. ?‍♂️?‍♀️?‍♂️?‍♀️?‍♂️?‍♀️?‍♂️????????????????? 記者就可以 擾亂治安 罔顧法嘅咩

  3. Show your ID Or get arrested, simple. No respect to authorities these people. Police spent too much resources on this nuisance, just subdue her.

  4. If the comments are right she refused to show id it's obvious why she arrested. It's also obvious why they don't translate to make a sad story for westerners.

  5. Hahhahah this is a good news.!!This journalist who think that they are above the law deserve this treatment!And after this incident, they will write, I WAS ABUSED BY THE POLICE, MY RIGHTS ARE VIOLATED!! Damn!! some journalist are the one ones who make havoc in all the countries in the world!! Some are good in documentaries but some are liars!!

  6. Two dozen policemen encounter just one fake reporter for over 15minutes, not effective! No ID, just take her back to the police station, no discussion needed!

  7. all we in America can do is watch with interest, this is a Hong Kong China issue. I pray for China and Hong Kong let them find an civilized answer to this problem.

  8. So disappointed, I thought it would end up violence. Which makes me wonder how long will take the protesters to start beat you up if you refused to let them check your phone? After watching other videos, I am sure it will take much less time and much more violence.

  9. So it takes 38 HK, i mean CCP police 10 minutes to arrest 1 journalist lady? Exactly what is her threat, some missing credentials? Man, China is what it is says it is. Communist police state!

  10. Ummm … China ?? … it time to look at reality now, Hong Kong ?? is just not into you.

    You & HK ?? were never a thing. It was never going to work. China ?? You’re just too possessive and controlling.

    They’re not over the UK ?? leaving. They’re still in love with them and not with you. They talk about ?? and ?? everyday.

    You ?? had no intentions on keeping their promises and they’re (HONG KONG) just done with you.

    All this domestic violence is just undignified, just get a divorce and move on with life. You look like a stalker that refuses to get that “it’s over”.

    Hey … you still have Macao ??

  11. 警察做得好 查身份证是正常的 特别是这个混乱时期 一定是要多查这些假记者, 支持警察

  12. They are well known for selecting specific frames that are amenable to distortion of what the Police is actually doing. More than a few times, they have alleged the Police is planting weapons in the rioters' backpacks. Of course, they want stupid HKgers to think the Police is hauling heavy loads of metal hardware at all times whenever they are out to suppress riots.

  13. Communism should be banned all over the world
    This evil system is unacceptable for humanity nowadays
    Carrie Lam and HK polices are China pet dogs, they should be hanged
    Support HongKonger from Canada with love and respect

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