比尔·达德利(Bill Dudley)谈美联储回购机制,负利率,贸易战

9月23日-普林斯顿大学高级研究学者,前纽约联储主席比尔·达德利(Bill Dudley)讨论了美联储回购操作的好处,美联储已政治化,负利率的前景以及美国对美国的经济影响。中国贸易战。他在“彭博市场”上发表讲话。

  1. These are just opinions folks, the same w/ CNBC. No one really knows shit. Practically all of these guys are just sitting in suits and pretending to be professionals who understand and opining on random shit zero consequence.

  2. LOL Well this is Fun. The Bankers can't make money from low interest rate and the Corporations will go Bust if rates are raised. Both wants bailouts if things go south. And the Govt serving both of them have no time for the General population.

  3. Dudley using his former position to get a Democrat elected which is election fraud. The Fed HAS to be repealed. Central banks are deadly and not talking about money.

  4. Uh this is interest rate manipulation so the Federal government can grow out of control. Rural America will continue to decline under this crap

  5. "hundred and hundreds of people that know what they are doing"…..Ok lol.lmfao.

    If the free market were in control of interest rates this shit would blow up in 15 minutes and get back to homeostasis.

  6. Did Dudley just say everythiong is back to normal, good job? I thought the Fed was meeting the subscribers need every night to the tune of 50 billion! Am I wrong Bill?

  7. Yeah.. They're expanding their private & personal Banks balance sheets..
    And yet people still have faith in the Federal Reserve & u.s. government! It still amazes me SMH!!

  8. I think they are half alien, like in the bible, and the guys with the six toes. The guy on the right looks like a Star Trek Next Generation, FUR-ING-EE ALIEN! The guy in the middle looks like CHEW-BACH-KA. The guy on the left look alike to a Reptilian Lizardman or Chameleon, as in the AZTEK feather man teacher. They put him by the numbers to make him look smarter and he really needed that subliminal backup to tap dance. 🙂

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