





  1. the lawsuits and complaints were filed by Iranian citizens who directly suffered damage from "US actions."

    "To date, more than 360 cases and claims of citizens against the US government have been considered," Esmaily said, noting that one court had demanded $130 billion from the United States.

  2. I always respect Iraq and Iraqi people.From thousands of years we have been neighbors and we are like a family.This attack to Iranian embassy was not a popular action.It was surely done by residuals of Baath and ISIS Takfiri terrorist groups.I see the hands of Saudi Arabia ,the US and Israel in the backstage of this show.They will pay for it.
    یا تکفیری ،صبرک صبرک
    انا سوف ،نحفر قبرک

  3. Iran needs to stay out of arab business simple as that. Persian unfortunately have a deep seeded hate towards arabs. Abd themselves ironically. Persians should let arabs have peace with the israelis. Europe should understand this as well as the rest of the world.

  4. Do unto others
    as you would have done unto you, return hatred with kindness, if someone slaps
    you right cheek turn to him you left cheek. 
    When you begin to show kindness and understanding toward one another, then
    there will be harmony and peace in your lands. We in America pray for you.

  5. Our US dreams and goals are being hampered by government trolls and hackers. They steal and pry innocent american accounts and blame others. Human rights don't exist.

  6. Tehran has summoned the Swiss ambassador, whose country represents US interests in Iran, to protest Washington’s interference in the Islamic Republic’s internal affairs.

    Markus Leitner was summoned to the Iranian Foreign Ministry on Wednesday to receive an official protest note regarding the US’s expression of support for a series of violent riots that hit a number of Iranian cities over the past days, IRNA reported.

    Protests erupted in a number of Iranian cities in recent days after a decision by authorities to ration gasoline and substantially increase the fuel price as part of efforts to blunt the effects of US sanctions on the country's economy.

    The demonstrations turned violent in some cities, with reports of clashes between security forces and certain elements, who vandalized public property and, on several occasions, opened fire on the crowd.

    There have been reports of fatalities among both security forces and civilians amid the unrest that followed the protests.

  7. The last time I visited Iran was in 2014
    It is so sad to see the big difference between Iran and the Neighbors.
    It is way waaay underdeveloped compared to other closed countries. Same with salaries are so low. The government is busy with invading other countries and they forgot their people.
    I hope all evils the governments to fall.

  8. They still do it
    I'm Iranian and the government make people do it in some schools + In Lebanon+ Yemen Iranian militia
    After Al Qaeda members were kicked out from Middle Eastern countries and Yamen, they went to Iran. So the government can use them if they need the same with ISIS, Iran and Turkey are using them as a weapon and to manipulate other countries.
    My grandfather worked there for the government from 1996 to 2009, he is now a refugee in Belgium because he stood by Iranian protesters back then.
    The Iranian government is involved in almost every war, and they killed more than 300k Syrians. They are now doing demographic change in Syria by force.
    Iranian people are good people and don't hate anyone the government does.
    Currently, the most country who killed people in the last 10 years is the Iranian government.
    But the media doesn't give a fu about it

  9. ISI karachi main police Aehalkaron par dimagh capchar karne kan nakara karne Or aankh nakara karne k tajurbat bagheir bataey fiza sy lazar k zareye kar rahi hai.

  10. Alhamduliah alhamduliah may allah curse upon rafidah. This is revenge from allah. You rafidah killed sunnis in syria and tried to hit bayt allah in saudi. Look what allah did to rafidah. ALHAMDULIAH

  11. who remembers the "Death to America" chants in Iran
    the iranian prime minister and hundred thousands of iranians screamed death to america

  12. Really??just that
    Hey if anyone wants to know what's going on here in Iraq
    The real events and pictures just check this account on instagram @3addn you will see the real Iraqi people ✌✌✌
    All the pictures are from Iraq where there is arevoulations right now!❤❤??????????

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